
Truth feeder
March 7, 2011

WTC Attack September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter

Video obtained by FOIA to NIST by an anonymous person who directed it be sent to Cryptome. Excerpt of the NIST letter.

Quote: These electronic files image were provided to NIST by the New York Police Department. The City of New York has provided NIST with the following notice:

“Please take notice that the City of New York (“City”) has asserted that the contents of the enclosed DVD-ROM is protected under tbe Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. sections 101 et seq. Tbe City expressly reserves its rights in these materials, and requires that you obtain the City’s permission prior to any reproduction, modification, adaptation, recompilation, or other derivative use of each DVD-ROM or portion thereof, including any still image extracted or derived therefrom, and that the City’s permission be obtained prior to the commercial distribution of any video footage and of still or moving images extracted or derived therefrom in any medium, by sale, rental, lease, lending or other means. The City requires that the instant notice accompany any moving or still images that you disseminate for any reason, including dissemination that complies with the fair use authorized by section 107 of the Copyright Act, and requires that each recipient of these materials comply with the instant Notice. Moreover, the City requires that a summary statement of its copyright be embedded in any moving or still images extracted from the enclosed DVD-ROM that are broadcast in any medium for any purpose. This summary statement shall read as follows: “Copyright (c) NYPD.” Please write to the New York City Police Department, Legal Bureau, 1 Police Plaza, Room 1406, New York, N. Y. 10038, for information about obtaining an appropriate license.” Unquote

The video has been uploaded as provided by NIST without modification. Original in VOB format, 700MB.

A related collection of 153 still photos from another NYPD helicopter:

http://cryptome.org/0001/wtc-nist-gjs/wtc-nist-gjs.zip (64MB)

Startling new 9/11 footage released

New video has surfaced from the September 11, 2001 attacks from a police helicopter hovering near the burning World Trade Center towers in the hope of rescuing survivors from the rooftops, only to find no one there as the buildings topple and smoulder.

"The whole tower, it's gone," one officer is heard yelling. "Holy crap, they knocked the whole fricking thing down."

An officer wonders, "How could it go down?"

The video is part of a cache of information from the attack handed over by city agencies to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the federal agency that investigated the collapse. The video surfaced on several websites on Monday (Tuesday NZ time), but NIST did not know who posted it initially.

The 17 minutes of footage shot from a New York Police Department air and sea rescue chopper shows much of what has already been seen but still shocks and disturbs: a chilling aerial view of the burning twin towers and the apocalyptic shroud of smoke and dust that settled over the city.

Only police helicopters were allowed in the airspace near the skyscrapers, and the officers were the only ones shooting images from above. The helicopter flies over the roof as huge gray clouds billow, and away as the video pans out to lower Manhattan. A sea of people can be seen fleeing the area on clear, sunny day clouded with billowing smoke from the towers.

The chopper lands eventually across the harbour from the towers and the camera pans into the helicopter, showing ropes that would have been used to rescue people from the roof. The sparse dialogue portrays shock.

"We got out of there at the right time," one officer can be heard saying.

"I know," another officer replies.

The chopper crew watches in the distance as the North Tower falls, the video zooming to capture the image of the building going down and a huge plume of smoke puffing up.

"Holy s--," another officer can be heard saying.

Stunning, still images from police helicopters were released to the public last year under a similar request.

The video was released by NIST on March 3 under a Freedom of Information Act request, but it wasn't clear who published the footage online.

NIST investigated the collapse of the twin towers and another building that was part of the World Trade Center complex after the 2001 terror attacks.
