new york city

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    Mayor: ‘No more mosque in Moscow’

    In March 2013, Moscow’s Islamophobe Mayor Sergey Semyonovich Sobyanin PhD (born 1958) said in an interview with Moscow’s Echo radio that he has no plan to allow two million Moscovite Muslims to build new mosque. He also added that ‘excessive’ number of economic migrants (from former 5 Muslim...
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    How Jewish is the Ivy League?

    On April 17, 1967, the result of a survey published by the New York Times stated that about 40% of student at Columbis and the University of Pennsylvania were Jewish. At Yale, Harvard and Cornell the Jewish students were between 20 and 25%, while between 13 and 20% students at Dartmouth...
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    British Archives: “Zionists were Terrorists, Nazis and Savages”

    The British National Archives released last week, contains an intelligence report dated April 30, 1948 – two weeks before David Ben Gurion unilaterally declared the establishment of Israel. In the report, Sir Alan Cunningham, the last High Commissionar of the British Mandate authority in...
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    FDR, holocaust and more Jewish whining

    Two Jewish authors, Richard Breitman and Allan J. Lichtman, in 2012 book, ‘FDR and the Jews’, have claimed that American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had, indirectly collaborated with Hitler in committing Jewish holocaust. FDR’s collaboration included refusal to accept Jewish refugees...
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    NYT: Israel has no right to exist

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw an opinion post at the New York Times on March 9, 2013, that I can actually agree with. The NYT editors and writers are welknown for their blind support for the Zionist entity and crucification of its critics. It’s surprising that NYT will publish an opinion...
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    NYT: Israel will never allow US to cut a deal with Iran

    On December 13, 2009, I had posted that Israel is the reason behind the US-Iran nuclear conflict. On March 8, 2013, the Zioconservative propaganda outlet, The New York Times, in its editorial, titled ‘Congress Gets in the Way, has admitted that pro-Israel Congress majority is running Israel’s...
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    Iran accuses Israel of “genocide” at nuclear meeting

    On March 6, 2013, Iran’s envoy at the 35-nation International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) governing board, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, blasted the Zionist entity for carrying out “genocide” of the native Palestinian people. Ali Asghar Soltanieh made the remark after the US representative Joseph...
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    US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel

    On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress. The...
  9. ianchris948

    Legal Representation needed for Civil Rights/ Defamation claim

    I have a very complicated legal situation that began in 2009 as an Probate/Estate/ Contested Will matter. The matter was ruled by a Small Claims court as being a Family Law matter and according to legal counsel, I have been advised that I was illegally prevented from entering my home and the...
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    John Galliano is back in the “Zionist Ring”

    John Gilliano, former chief designer of French fasion-empir Christian Dior is once again subject of Jewish love and hate. Gilliano was fired by Christian Dior in February 2011, as result of his so-called “antisemitic” outburst. Since then, it’s reported that Gilliano has attended Jewish school...
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    US backs-down on ‘regime change in Damascus’

    John Kerry, in his first conference after taking-over Israel-Firster Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State said that Obama administration is not going to arm the rebel groups fighting Assad regime. He said that the White House is exploring other ways to end Syria’s increasingly bloody...
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    Why South Africans hate Israel?

    Last year, Jewish author and editor, Peter Alexander Beinart, was chased by pro-Israel goons for his book, ‘The Crisis of Zionism‘. On January 29, 2013, Beinart penned an article at Jewish propaganda organ, The Daily Beast, in which he claims that politicians in both United States and South...
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    Lobby: ‘Jews are not safe in Hungary’

    On February 3, 2013, the Jewish daily Forward reported that antisemitism in Hungary is causing an influx of Jewish immigrants to neighboring Austria. This latest hoax reminded me the statement issued by the Jewish advocacy group, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on December 20, 2012 in which its...
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    Bollywood ‘Khan’ irks Hindu extremists again!

    Last month, Bollywood superstar, Shahrukh Khan, penned an Op-Ed which was published by an Indian magazine, Onlook Turning Points, a joint issue with the New York Times, a pro-Israel America’s top newspaper. In the Op-Ed, titled, ‘Inside my Khanate’. Shahrukh Khan is married to a Hindu lady, by...
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    Muhammad Ali: ‘A courageous conscientious objector’

    On January 31, 2013 – veteran Israeli journalist and author, Gideon Levy, wrote at daily Ha’aretz: “When (Israel’s new rising politician) Yair Lapid says he admires Muhammad Ali, he should remember why Ali became a role model. The boxer was a courageous conscientious objector, exactly the kind...
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    Ex-Mossad Head: Jewish radicalization will destroy Israel

    London-born Gen. Efraim Halevy 78, has served as head of Israeli Mossad under three Zionist prime ministers and negotiated peace treaty with late King Hussein of Jordan in 1994. He also served as Israel’s national security advisor and ambassador to European Union in the late 1990s. Since 2011...
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    An open letter to Israeli Knesset

    It’s reported that the incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to forge an alliance with second-runner Yair Lapid. Both have agreed on some ministerial portfolios which really bother me. For example, the selection of John Forbes Kerry as foreign minister, Chuck Hagel for minister of...
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    Hebrew Playboy to improve Israel’s world image!

    Daniel Pomerantz, a US-Israel dual citizen has announced to launch the Hebrew version of famous men’s sexy magazine Palayboy. Like a typical Israel-Firster, Pomerantz too believe that his Israeli porn-filled magazine will help to improve Israel’s international image which has nose-dipped since...
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    Germans’ hate and love for Jews and Israel

    The other day, two news about Zionist regime’s closest European ally, Germany, caught my attention. In one news item Jewish media praised Germans for voting Marina Weisband 25, a Ukraine-born Jewish politician as country’s “sexist female politician”. She is member of ‘Pirate Party Germany’. She...
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    India threatens Pakistan over Kashmir

    On Tuesday, Indian occupation troops in the disputed Jammu & Kashmir valley killed a Pakistani soldier. It’s the fifth fatality in hostilities between the nuclear armed neighbors since the new year. Two Pakistani and two Indian soldiers were killed earlier this month since a ceasefire between...