New York?s MTA Approves Drastic Transportation Cuts


Truth feeder
My Fox New York
December 17, 2009

The MTA board has approved its 2010 doomsday budget. It includes service cuts and could leave New York City children without free rides to their public schools if it is implemented.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the nation’s largest transportation agency, is facing a $383 million budget shortfall.

“Because the MTA’s transit system matters so much to New Yorkers, when $400 million is taken from the budget practically overnight you have to make the kinds of changes that have an enormous impact on people,” said MTA Chairman and CEO Jay Walder. “We have a responsibility to assure our customers and taxpayers that every dollar they send to the MTA is used as effectively as possible. We can’t say that today, and that is why we have to fundamentally change the way that we do business.”

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