
Truth feeder
Adam Arnold
Sky News Online
November 9, 2009

News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch has suggested the company’s online newspaper pages will be invisible to Google users when it launches its new paid content strategy.

He claimed that readers who randomly reach a page via an internet search hold little value to advertisers.

When asked by Sky News Australia’s political editor David Speers why News Corp has not stopped Google from finding its content, Mr Murdoch replied: “I think we will.”

He cited the Wall Street Journal as an example of where only the first paragraph comes up on search engines and is free. Anything after that is subscription-based.

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Fox News chairman says he’ll ‘block Google’

Raw Story
Monday, November 9, 2009

Rupert Murdoch was hailed as an old-media pioneer when he bought MySpace for $580 million in 2005. While the new media social networking site has fallen behind its peers, its still made back more than the purchase price for Murdoch’s News Corporation empire.

Now Rupert Murdoch has a new approach to the Web: Screw you.

In an interview with Australian television, the cantankerous chairman of News Corporation — which owns Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post — said that he was considering blocking Google searches of his content.

Asked why the company hadn’t chosen to remove its news stories from Google’s index after creating a pay-for-content operation (the Journal charges for some articles), Murdoch explained, “I think we will, but that’s when we start charging,” he said. “We have it already with the Wall Street Journal. We have a wall, but it’s not right to the ceiling. You can get, usually, the first paragraph from any story – but if you’re not a paying subscriber to WSJ.com all you get is a paragraph and a subscription form.”

“There’s a doctrine called fair use, which we believe to be challenged in the courts and would bar it altogether,” he added. “But we’ll take that slowly.”

he company has routinely lambasted Google News for “stealing” content, by allowing excerpts of articles on its pages and including a link to the story.

“The people who simply just pick up everything and run with it – steal our stories, we say they steal our stories – they just take them,” the 78-year-old Australian said. “That’s Google, that’s Microsoft, that’s Ask.com, a whole lot of people … they shouldn’t have had it free all the time, and I think we’ve been asleep.”

Google: Murdoch Can Keep His News Corp Stories

November 10, 2009

Google said on Tuesday, in response to threats by Rupert Murdoch to ban the search engine from listing content from his news empire, that any company could ask to have stories taken off.

In an interview in his native Australia, Murdoch accused Google of stealing stories from News Corp. newspapers for the Google News service, and said he might ban them once he introduces charges for the papers’ online editions.

Google said it was up to individual news organisations to decide whether they wanted their stories listed on Google News, and there were “simple technical standards” that would remove them if they wished.

“News organisations are in complete control over whether and how much of their content appears in search results,” it said said in a statement issued in London.

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