Olympic Security Training to Evacuate London Whistleblower

100th Monkey

New member
Intriguing call on the Alex Jones Show today by an alternative news guy using a fake name of Lee. He stated that a person being employed as a security officer at the London Olympics is informing people that during the training they revived for the London Olympics they were advised that they'll be evacuating civilians in London during the London Olympics.

Seems like another way to keep people scared. They keep talking about some disaster of the London Olympics, but if there is the people who are saying there's going to be one will feel vindicated. But because there's so much predictions of being a disaster I betcha there will not be one.
I'm not gonna watch the video, i'm sure I can guess the gyst of it. I have to agree with you Denise, it's all a scare tactic and there's probably nothing gonna happen.

I think it'll play out like this. It all depends on how the public reacts to the 'threat' of something that is said to potentially happen. If the majority of the people believe there will be something that is gonna happen, then nothing will happen. If they believe nothing will happen, they will make sure something happens to say "see, we warned you, you should have listened to us".

Either way, it's all scare tactics for a bigger agenda.
There has been to many predictions that something bad is going to happen at the London 2012 Olympics. So nothing will happen, any plans they have are for over.
oh, the distractions. yes, olympics is a big one. and there will always be "prophecies" of things that are gonna happen at any large event. I think it's more "fear porn".