Planet Infowars (BETA) launched.

This is a really good idea, a social network for awake people. But I've heard that Alex Jones is also upon the illuminati?
I would have to say a social network for semi awake people. These people are still caught a five sense reality and are looking for five sense solutions from five sense problems. This basically limits them and doesn't allow them the get far enough to see the full truth.

However it's a step in the right direction.
Well, we need to help it get out of the beta stage and get it working full-tilt.

I've heard that Alex Jones is involved in the Illuminati, but that doesn't necessarily make it true.

And, ya, I would have to say semi-awake people. Many levels of semi-awake people. I would think there's more conspiracy truthers on there than anything else. Like you said Truth, five sense reality truthers looking for the solutions that aren't necessarily within our five senses.

But, hey, way to go Alex! It's a start. A different kind of sheep, the kind that don't WANT to BE sheep. Again, it's a start.
I don't think Alex Jones is illuminati, the people complain a lot that his wife is Jewish, like that means anything. I believe his heart is in the right place, he just wants a better world like we all do. Apparently his server couldn't handle the last social network he tried to start, let's hope this one can keep up to the loads of members hoarding into a site.