Putin to offer Olive branch to Iran’s Rouhani


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After realizing that the White House is planning direct talks with Iran’s new “moderate” president Hassan Rouhani – Russian president Vladimir Putin will be landing in Iran on Agust 12, according to Russian source Kommersant (August 1, 2013). Putin will meet Rouhani to clarify Tehran’s misunderstanding over former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev’s cancelling S-300 deal in 2010 under USraeli pressure. Moscow has offered to supply Iran an Antei-2500 surface-to-air missile systems, which Iran is not interested - hoping Tehran will drop its $4 billion lawsuit for breach of contract. Putin is also expected to discuss a new Russian power plant in Iran and country’s nuclear program. Rouhani said in his first press conference after his election victory that Iran’s nuclear program has reached a stage which is beyond negotiations. Furthermore, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie has the last word on country’s nuclear program.

Putin will be the first leader with UNSC veto power to visit Tehran, It will be his second visit to Tehran. He visited Iran in 2007 to attend the summit on Caspian Sea. Putin is the only Russian president who has visited Iran since Joseph Stalin came to Iran to meet Roosevelt and Churchill at Tehran Conference on November 28, 1943. Stalin, who married three Jewish women, established the first Jewish state of Birobidjan on May 7, 1934.

The “moderate” Rouhani in first press conference in Tehran after his election victory said that Tehran will present more transparency in its nuclear program than before, but the Islamic Republic won’t abandon its uranium enrichment process.

MK Bhadrakumar, a retired Indian diplomat, wrote at Asia Times on July 26, 2013 that Putin’s Iranian mission would be challenging and risky.

“The Kremlin didn’t resist when the US introduced Iran nuclear issue as a vector of the Russian-American cooperation within the ambit of the “reset”. Russia’s cooperation, being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, was vital for the Obama administration to tighten the screws on Iran further with what has turned out to be a crippling sanctions regime of its own, which most countries (such as India and Japan) have grudgingly accepted,” wrote Bhadrakumar.

As a regional power and ally of Russia, and also as a major energy producer, Iran has been playing a key role in the Middle East politics and the recent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the region too have necessitated a role for the country. Its geopolitical location in the region, and also its proximity to another conflict hot spot Afghanistan, too has poised Iran to play major roles in regional and international politics.

“Moscow was not lacking in understanding that the West’s real problem with Iran has been over its ideology of justice and resistance and had nothing to do with a nuclear weapon-free Middle East,” added Bhandrakumar.

Personally, I believe Moscow cannot be a trustworthy ally of any Muslim nation. Russia is one of the few remaining colonial powers which are still occupying Muslim lands. Muslim lands of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kergyzia, Ossetia, Turkamania and many other states in Siberia which have been annexed into Russian Federation against the will of the people of these lands. I posted in August 2011, suggesting “Tehran should not trust Moscow“.

The powerful Jewish Lobby is already in action to sabotage any meaningful talks between Obama and Rouhani by sponsoring H.R. 850: Nuclear Iran Prevention Act 2013, authored by Jewish Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) and co-sponsored by 374 congressmen from both parties out of 435-member Congress. The act was passed by the Congress by a vote of 400 to 20 on Wednesday. That shows the Jewish Lobby’s control over the so-called “the greatest democracy” in the world.

Putin to offer Olive branch to Iran?s Rouhani | Rehmat's World