Respect Should Be Mutual - Lady of Light

Lady of Light

"Respect shouldn't be something that makes you change who you are. Respect is when all parties can agree to let each other be themselves." - Lady of Light


Respect is a two-way street. You can't expect only one side to respect the other and not have the same given in return. Just because you take offense to someone, does not necessarily mean that what that someone is doing is disrespectful to you.
It is really only possible to know Respect when you respect yourself first and foremost. Only then can one really understand all that encompasses Respect and be respectful of others oneself. It is possible to take offence at someone but still be respectful of them, but that takes maturity and wisdom. :) There is a distinct shortage of that in our modern culture and probably always has been.

It's the same with Love. Although you hear people say that they love others more than they love themselves and that they always put others ahead of themselves, this is not within the true nature of a pure and healthy Love. You cannot love others more than you love yourself because you don't know the full scope of love until you have a pure, whole, complete, and thereby healthy love of self. It will be tainted with jealousy, envy, and any other manner of impurities of an unsound heart.

Until we are good to ourselves, we cannot be good to others. This is not selfishness. This is self-knowledge. Lying to one's self about one's true nature is the cause of all the world's suffering. Every single soul walking the planet who is not true to Self is the cause of that continued harm.
Nice views. I agree with you that we should respect first then, we also be respected. Here I want to share that if we create humbleness in our attitude and habits all people love and respect us. We should help everyone. God give us better reward of our good deeds and create respect in hearts of people. Hope you like my ideas.
Very nice ideas. :) However our aim should not be to gain the respect of others. That is vanity and thereby incongruent with the aim of humility. And unfortunately, we cannot help others until they choose to seek and accept that help, otherwise we are not allowing their life's path to unfold. We can and should always help someone who truly wants and needs help, and we should do so with the most open of hearts.

God is always found within. What we give to the world via our love is God's hand in action.