Russian scientist warns of secret U.S. arms Climate Change
Thursday, August 19, 2010
All Muscovites are suffering from record high temperatures this summer, a Russian political scientist claimed that the United States using weapons of temperature and climate of different countries can change.
In a recent article, said Andrei Areshev, Deputy Director of Strategic Cultural Foundation: "At the moment Weapons drought conditions may cause gewassenverwoesten, and more various abnormal phenomena in certain countries. "
In Moscow, the currently hot and temperatures of 39 degrees measured.
But Russia is not the only country suffering a heat wave this summer.
Indeed, the United States has also faced record temperatures.
On 24 July, temperatures in Washington, DC, measured from 37.7 degrees, and have the local weather service issued heat warnings for the first time this summer.
Source / Read more: (English)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
All Muscovites are suffering from record high temperatures this summer, a Russian political scientist claimed that the United States using weapons of temperature and climate of different countries can change.
In a recent article, said Andrei Areshev, Deputy Director of Strategic Cultural Foundation: "At the moment Weapons drought conditions may cause gewassenverwoesten, and more various abnormal phenomena in certain countries. "
In Moscow, the currently hot and temperatures of 39 degrees measured.
But Russia is not the only country suffering a heat wave this summer.
Indeed, the United States has also faced record temperatures.
On 24 July, temperatures in Washington, DC, measured from 37.7 degrees, and have the local weather service issued heat warnings for the first time this summer.
Source / Read more: (English)