Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages


Truth feeder
Thursday, Nov 19th, 2009

In the Battle of the Health Bills, the Senate wins out, bulk-wise – weighing in at 2,074 pages.​

The House health reform bill was a mere 1,990 pages when introduced.

That means the Senate bill — like the one in the House — runs more pages than War and Peace, and has nearly five times as many words as the Torah.

The table of contents alone is 14 pages.

“Read the bill!” was a rallying cry of some health reform opponents over the summer. And if Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) gets his way, senators will get a chance to hear every word of it. He’s threatening to the read the legislation from start to finish, which by some estimates could take as long as 48 hours.
