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Miami Man 'Fighting for Life' Following Christmas Torching - ABC News

Woman critically hurt after being set on fire while sleeping on LA bus bench; man arrested | StarTribune.com

Woman set on fire while sleeping on a bus bench.
by Greg Risling

O.k. this one I'm familiar with it seems police think that this is a random crime how horrible for that poor man. These three thugs are dangerous, I hope they get them off the streets ASAP. Then right below it on the
the Drudge Report this story. Scary times.

Well at least the LA police got the 24 year old that did it.Small consolation for the woman.
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To not bring "government conspiracy" or any type of other agency into this, I'll go off the general level of "spiritual input" faced upon us.

It can be likened to two different people on opposite sides of the world getting the same idea for an invention, and following through with it. There are obviously MORE people than that who GET the message for such, but only few who actually act on what they receive. So, going on THAT alone, mass message sent out within a frequency, government or secret agency or not, and these people have acted on that thought and translated it into impulse.

Now, is it possible that some sort of agency with their mass mind-control equipment is operating for such ventures, sure it is. They supply such through radio waves all the time, our tvs, especially the newer types, frequently pump frequencies that we don't detect at us all the time. Ulterior motives? Maybe. I've often considered that stuff. At this time, I think yes, but I don't know that for sure, so I'll just say that there's more going on than any of us know. People have discovered frequencies with messages and monitoring devices within our household items, but who knows who and why, really.

There's too many levels of 'need to know only' out there, that it's impossible at this time to ascertain who's doing what and for what reason. We can speculate. But, within that speculation, we can be alert to what may in fact be happening to us all, and prevent it from controlling us and we can alert others to the same possibility.

there I go on my rant again. I catch myself and stop. I don't want to sound like a "conspiracy theorist", but there are some things that I can't ignore and those things keep running over and over again in my mind. :)
There is something to be considered when folks like Elizabeth Rauscher seem to " disappear" from view after saying that she could affect the mental state of an entire town... given sufficient resources.....

And I have also the uncomfortable feeling that certain " messages" could possibly be sent to " targeted " individuals who are " susceptible" to them.

Perhaps this is the odd feeling that you are getting about the Sandy Hook shootings Lady of Light?

I believe that the young man was the shooter and I can not deny that all of that tragedy happened. I CAN however wonder if he was not sort of "mark" for this " mind control experiment. A conspiracy of this type would NEVER be uncovered.... and look at the gun control issues that it sparks.

Now lets see...... how many random killers would have to be sent in certain directions to have the entire country foaming at the mouth about taking all guns away from everyone? And what a splendid reaction for certain groups in power. Would it be worth the money that it has taken to develop?

Sometimes we just REALLY don't see what is actually happening. Linda
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The Mikado Effect"

I called it that because I believe that the man who uses that as his knickname was a victim of that Effect......and its easy to watch when studying his actions.

Others can pick other names for it if they want to.... Perhaps someday it might be dubbed the Rauscher Effect.... she might have more to do with developing it....if she wants to debate that idea she can always present her ideas here... I am sure there will be many who would like to hear from her....

It was a phrase though which had been used much earlier by others.....Co-incidentally?

The Mikado Effect - What is it?

Someday soon someone is going to make the " mind control program" connection. I am sure that they will name it something appropriate.

Does it exist? Whatever it might be called? MK ULtra????? The Mikado Effect? ( and before the man who calls himself Mikado on several forums gets all upset about using that name I might remind him that PUBLICALLY he has admitted when it was first called the " Mikado Effect" (and that was between he and his associates in West Virginia) Some things you just have to learn to accept....

If there are organizations which have now started to use this " transmission of energy-communication" in a negative way..its a sad state of affairs

.. Have there been others using it in a positive manner? And for how long?There is the positive side to things too remember. Linda
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You're right there there's alot of things the public should know about. It could be these messages I don't knoow how wide spread the story went, but it could be a copycat that looked for his 15 minutes anyway he could get it.

You know what you said about the tv and what not, could be possible. We still have the regular tv, and have to pay extra for the HD. But back when they were going to start up with this HD stuff, my friend got a couple of coupons from the government to by an adapter for HD, She didn't get a chance to use them and sent them back, but I had suspicions about it.

As usual my conspiracy "antenna" went up. Our government doesn't give you anything really. My pet peeve is these commercials that offer "free" something. In my opinion they just make something else a higher price.
There are similar suspicions out there on the internet about the other mass killers I just thought of something these lyrics in hip hop and rap are repetitious, What if they're running subliminal messages beneath the acutual music sound track?

Even the one that survived, he did look totally crazy.
Don't forget Columbine. The shooters there disposed of themselves too. A much neater situation if it was an " excercise in mind control". All the loose ends are wrapped up in the end. Its nearly too diabolical to even consider. Who would possibly run a program like this? It seems just inconcievable.

But think back to some of the programs that the military fronted in total secrecy which are just NOW coming to light. And they usually used individuals which had no real force to protect them and were considered " expedible" by some.

Testing your communications so that you can turn a mentally unbalanced teenager into a killing machine? How valuable might that kind of mental control be.... Promote a sort of senseless "Mass Hysteria? ( which would turn one neighbor against the other? How valuable might that be? Look at the studies being undertaken on Forums.... and if my experience with the Ridgerunner Program was what it seemed to be.... then there are TEAMS out there taking notes on just how groups on Forums react to certain stimuli.

And of course the really freethinking Forums which deal with subjects that need to maintain a lid.... are monitored and " finessed" to do exactly what the " handlers" want them to do. Zorgons group for me was an excercise in watching that kind of thing at work. He will never agree with that thought...but I think that objective outsiders can see what happened easily enough.

Am I just being paranoid. Perhaps....

My issue coming at this whole thing is, I want and need to be objective at any given time, however, I should just go with my gut on all of it until something tells me otherwise. I have constantly changing beliefs when it comes to all of this conspiracy stuff because more and more information presents itself all the time. Pieces to the immense puzzle. I can't avoid the conspiracy aspect to this stuff, it's in my line of work whether I like it or not, so I should just embrace it.

I know that mind control exist, and is being used in a multitude of ways. Some good, some bad. Mostly what we are being shown is looking very bad. We need to be aware of all of that stuff and always and I mean ALWAYS keep an open mind to alternate possibilities for EVERYTHING, even when we think we know or when we suspect. Although I get deep set into beliefs on things, my mind is always open to alternatives. ALWAYS!

Although there is a "mass reality" going on, each individual's reality is different, and I'm seeing that more and more these days. We share most common things, however, there are details that make each reality different. I swear I shift realities all the time, I never get used to it, but I'm learning to adjust as the shifts happen.

I think I'm starting to trail off again. That's getting worse as I'm slipping away, lol. (Not losing my mind, lol, I'm slipping through parallel worlds. :) ) Anyhow, I THINK I got across what I needed to, but I'll know that when the responses come, lol. :)

And no Linda, I don't think you're being paranoid. :) That's the kind of thing that is happening all over the net.
No, I don't think your being paranoid. Perhaps as you say somebody's getting their technique finessed, with technology one never knows exactly how advanced "they are" do we?
With Columbine, the prevailing mentality of the area and the school district played a large part. I speak from the perspective of someone familiar with the area and the school district. At the time, both had a mindset of " our s--- don't stink."

There is something to be considered when folks like Elizabeth Rauscher seem to " disappear" from view after saying that she could affect the mental state of an entire town... given sufficient resources.....

It's interesting that you would say that. BECAUSE such can and does happen, things like Columbine, Sandy Hook, 9/11, etc, etc, can have a massive effect washed over the entire towns/cities. There are those who equate it to the "flashy thing" memory changer in the Men In Black movie. Is such a thing possible? Does such exist? Can it be achieved by other means? I believe so. If Elizabeth Rauscher could influence an entire town's mental state, then others can too. I need to point that out.

I am still keeping an open mind to the possibilities of these events actually having taken place as we have been shown them, however, this is my current stand on it, and I have to stand firm at this time.

BTW, I'm not trying to "argue", I just need to state a few things that have crossed my mind, over and over and over and over and over again. I'm sure you know how that is. :) I'm not trying to offend either, but alas, that comes with the territory of stating one's mind. You can't say what you think and feel without offending SOMEone.

I accept information as it comes to me. I weed through it setting aside that which does not currently compute and put it in storage. I go through that storage when new information comes in. All is sorted and gone through continually. Some of the information comes from what is referred to as "the other side" and other information comes from right here on earth, but it is all important. Most of these events get the "does not compute" error because there is simply not enough data gathered yet.

One last thing to point out, expect more of these events to pop up in the news. Small ones such as this lighting on fire thing will be quite commonplace for at least the first 6 months of this new year, but they will trail off. And if people were more aware of this mind-control stuff, they would be less susceptible to it. I'm going to jump over to the mind control thread now and make a comment or 2 over there, and then it's off to try and get some real work done. :)
Understand that mentality all too well.

It's one thing though for individuals (i.e., most of my neighbors) :frown: to have that attitude, it's a shame though when the district and appointed people have that attitude. Then alot of innocent people are affected iin one form or another by that mentality. :frown: Why do people get that attitude? Don't we all get dressed the same way?

Except for the elite of course, they revert back to the "I need help putting on my clothes" mentality.
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Thanks for the thumbs up with the lighting on fire thing. I walk wherever I go (to the store and other errands) and one of my fears in fire. Will keep an eye out for possible trouble. Don't live exactly in the best of areas.

I do know what its like to keep gping back to certain idea, even though I don't have the 6th sense, you still get a general feeling about things.
The ability to manipulate individuals will be very advanced now...add into that an ability to create seeimingly reals events and portray them as is desired will equally be well advanced, but....
To really bring that into the mass conciousness needed an upgrade in the televisions globally, and that has been done.
UK e-waste illegally dumped in Ghana | Environment | guardian.co.uk

I know for certain the methods used to take millions of redundant analouge televisions to Africa, and it is still in full swing....all of the European countries are dumping there.

This was to impose a better digyal system , to better indoctrinate the sheeple.....I watch very little on the goggle box.

The bigger the lie, the more the sheeple will BELIEVE it.
There really are some fruitcakes about????


WE can make this planet whatever, but these fruitcakes have the means by mass manipulation.
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I suspected as much when they made us switch from analog to digital why? analog maybe antiquated but it worked just fine. We've never had so many outages such the cable went to digital. Now I've heard 3D is the new digital. The better to brain wash I suppose.

Commercials also use the repetitve theory, such as the repetion of the phone number to call or the sometimes the price. Some of the sheeple who are up and coming adults and some young adults (not all but I don't have the numbers to say who is taught in private school or who is home schooled) have also been dumbed down quite a bit now. The ones who are privately taught or home-schooled show some intelligence though. Heaven help the countries off the world when these sheeple are old enough to be in control, and hold political office is all I can say.
I suspected as much when they made us switch from analog to digital why? analog maybe antiquated but it worked just fine. We've never had so many outages such the cable went to digital. Now I've heard 3D is the new digital. The better to brain wash I suppose.

Commercials also use the repetitve theory, such as the repetion of the phone number to call or the sometimes the price. Some of the sheeple who are up and coming adults and some young adults (not all but I don't have the numbers to say who is taught in private school or who is home schooled) have also been dumbed down quite a bit now. The ones who are privately taught or home-schooled show some intelligence though. Heaven help the countries of the world when these sheeple are old enough to be in control, and hold political office is all I can say.
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