Shouldn’t Schwarzenegger be held accountable for California’s woes?


Shouldn’t Schwarzenegger be held accountable for California’s woes?

WSJ: California’s Pain Is Only Beginning
Cuts to Parks, Schools and Roads Hint at What’s to Come Under Any Budget Deal

February 11th, 2009 in Breaking News, The Elite

BIG SUR, Calif. — As Sacramento squabbles over the state’s $42 billion deficit, Californians are getting a bitter taste of what’s to come after the steep budget cuts that are inevitable when legislators and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger finally hammer out a deal.

Some world-famous parks like Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park may not open this year. After-school programs in low-income areas are being scuttled, putting high-risk teens on the street just as police forces are being cut. Schools are closing classrooms, and some highway projects have ground to a halt. The state may not be able to monitor some sex offenders as required under law.

A budget deal may restore some of the missing funds. But everyone knows that not all monies will flow again after a deal, and Californians increasingly fear they are seeing a hint of their future.

Isn’t it about time politicians be held accountable?
February 11th, 2009 in Breaking News, The Elite