[Attention] Something going on in Anaheim media blackout?


New member
Now what in the world is going on here? those of you who have friends, and family in California or on the other Social Media, please try to fill me in. Is this someone's idea of joke, to gain Media attention.

It seems like everyday can things get any stranger?

media blackout in Anaheim | Awesome Time Wasters

by Honesty

Anyone in surrounding areas, it appears as if Anaheim is under attack by American troops right now, but there is a media blackout. Please try to find out what is happening as the army are 'assisting', & the people may need the help of humanity, or want to wanr the rest of the US what is happening in their own front yard.
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I'm nowhere near Anaheim, so couldn't tell you what's going on out there. Since THEY control the news we may never really know.

However, I would imagine if something was really going on, people would record it on their cell phones and have it up on YouTube by now. Or maybe it already is?
There's a thought hadn't thought of Youtube everything winds up there nowdays, I'll check it out if it happened I'll post it, here.

The MSM are usless in reporting the real stuff, and then there's always the person, who wants to gain attention by saying something untrue, or maybe a misunderstanding? Who know what's in the mind of people now days.

Thanks for the suggestion.

O.k. found it you were right. Will do as update.
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There's a thought hadn't thought of Youtube everything winds up there nowdays, I'll check it out if it happened I'll post it, here.

The MSM are usless in reporting the real stuff, and then there's always the person, who wants to gain attention by saying something untrue, or maybe a misunderstanding? Who know what's in the mind of people now days.

Thanks for the suggestion.

O.k. found it you were right. Will do as update.

I'm glad you could find some!