Still Drinking Coca Cola? Watch this

I think it's best to point a few things out this video:

The egg has been soaking in that Coke for one year. We don't so soak our teeth in Coke 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. However over the course of many years the coke can get into your bones and absorb essential minerals from our bodies.

It's also not pointed out what happens to the acid from the Coke once it gets into our stomach, I'm pretty sure the chemicals in our stomach can neutralize the acid making it less harmful to our bodies. I don't believe the egg is capable of neutralizing the acid, which kind of makes this a misleading video. I'm not saying that I believe Coke is good for us, I'm just pointing out some facts.

I believe the acid in the Coke is the least of our worries, they have other chemicals and pesticides floating around in that stuff that do a better job of harming our bodies
The point the video is trying be make is the fact that the acid can hurt your body, it's supposed to be shocking so that you realize that any soda pop is harmful to your health. And yes these soda pops are chemical concoctions that are damaging to our bodies and we should avoid them. I also think the video is targeting people who drank soda pop on a daily basis, and possibly as the only liquid they ingest.
Any citrus fruit will do the same thing that the acid in any soda pop will do, eat enough oranges or lemons it will hurt your teeth. It's the acid that's no good for bones or minerals. Have someone do the same test with an egg orange juice and see what happens.
I think it's safe to say any man made drink that does not come from a natural source is going to have additives in it that are not good for humans. These companies do not have human beings safety in mind, they'll do anything to cut the price of their product, extend its shelf life and make the maximum profits that they can make. Even if that means your health is at risk. They will push the limits to the point where the health effects are in a gray area and that nobody can point directly to the source of the problem.
It's amazing Coca-Cola started off as a health drink, they usually gave it to patients for colds and coughs, like we do with cough syrup today. Now it turned into complete opposite of health or reduces your health instead of adding to it.
Remember sweet things are very uncommon in nature, and to eat and drink sweet things all the time, especially the way I see some people drinking soft drinks this is bound to hurt us. I believe humans diets are designed to be a balance with all types of foods not concentrated on one specific food like just fats or just proteins or just sugars. The key to almost everything in life is balance.

So go ahead how Coke, just don't have it everyday and don't drink it for every single drink that you drink that day! Make water your main drink, and any of the sweet drinks a treat only. And you shouldn't have a problem. The people at Coca-Cola or Pepsi do not expect people to be drinking their product every day, although I'm sure they would like that as it's good for business.
Did you ever notice that most of the things that are pushed our children are sweets of some sort. From what they drink, even with the is a main meal is full of sugar. McDonald's restaurants is notorious for having sugar filled foods that don't seem like there's any sugar in them. There hamburgers are full of sugars. Even their salad dressings or full of sugar.
Well, if you had shares in McDonald's and also in pharmaceutical company, wouldn't it make sense to get people sick on your food so they go to your other business for pills to solve the illness that McDonald's created in the first place? This way you get double profit!
Ok, if finally decided to watch the video. I've been avoiding it. That's gross, and very disturbing.

And Truth Vibrations makes a good point, our teeth and bones are not immersed in it 24/7, so it's not quite the same effect in our bodies I would imagine. Yes, I don't doubt that it's harmful to our bodies. I'm sure it is.

It DOES however make me want to try my own experiments with different objects and foods soaked in coke, pepsi, or any other cola or flavor or type of pop. Hell, maybe even with kool-aid. I don't know if I will though, not sure i've got the time. But it WOULD be cool to see other liquids used. Hell, even just water, distilled vs. tap vs. bottled. It's an interesting thought and a good project idea for someone.
That would be a really neat experiment set up, you have to get sealed containers for each liquid, and a boiled for each. Then you just have to check them on a weekly basis to monitor the progress. If you really want to you could video it so you have evidence of what happened.
I think I'll leave it to someone who's got more time to spare, AND who has a decent camera to document it. But, ya, it WOULD make a great experiment for someone to show the world.