Strange But True: Alien Contact Through Dreams

Lady of Light

I know this seems really strange, especially for those that don't believe in such a thing, but I believe I have been contacted by aliens through my dreams. Being psychic, I can differentiate between visions, out of body experiences (OBEs), dreams, etc. I have been contacted on numerous occasions by different beings. The first time I remember this happening was probably about a year ago. I can only give a description of them because they said they couldn't tell me at that time who they are. The were the size of children and were all of pale skin and no hair and they all wore light blue body suits. As they were leaving, I asked them if they could hear me if I called out to them or used my thoughts to contact them and they said yes. The only other thing, and probably the most important thing I can say about them is, they give off the most Loving and Comfortable feeling I have EVER felt in my life. I know they are around (when I am awake) based on this feeling alone.

Anyone who wishes to comment on this may call me a nutjob, but I don't care. This story needs to be told; I've been holding on to it for too long.

If anyone else has had similar experiences, please, post here and let everyone know.
giraphe had contacted me via PM with this message:

giraphe said:
hello lady of light, i saw your post and i know its from along time ago but i saw similarity in your experience compared to mine. ive been having obe's and lucid dreams since i was around the age of 13. i started getting interested in this subject and started practicing astral projection. As i went down this road of enlightenment, i attracted the experience of DMT. i smoke it and it stays with me still,,,,, just that feeling of the dmt trip. i start to fade away from this area of dreams and expansion and kinda got busy with life...... and then something happened. It happened last night and i woke up this morning to find similar experiences on the web. i dont remember much because when i woke up the dream faded... but the dream was this... i was in a strange dark scenery.. (not going to describe very much ) but the important part was i was surrounded by these humanoid beings with strange eyes... and one of them was female. The way the projected their voice was very strange.... and the female said come here and we put both of our hands together and then i felt it..... this is why i needed to message you. it was the most strangest feeling i have ever felt. sooo different....... And it startled me and woke me up, and them i had all the deffinitions and ideas on how they contacted me and why they did. i gotta goooo but i can explain more if you are interested.

Our conversation went as follows:

Lady of Light said:
Hi giraphe,

Yes, I would love to hear more about this experience, and I'm sure others would as well. You can go ahead and post under my experience if you wish, because it IS along the same line (through what seems like dream). I do believe that others would benefit from hearing about your experience.

Lady of Light

giraphe said:
sorry i had to go to school when i was sending you that message haha but before i went to bed that night... i was talking to my self about contact. i told my self that i need gradual contact because if an alien just came up and said whats up id freak out... so i fell asleep and i had that dream with the touching of the aliens hands. but i forgot to mention that after i felt that feeling (which is indescribable, weird.....) it woke me up in my dream. and it turned in to a vivid projection. i was there. and i started freaking out because i was touching this aliens hands and i had this vibration surging through my body... it was crazy... so i became lucid and then the projection started to fade away because of me being startled by that crazy ass feeling. i woke up in my bed.. but i was still like in contact with her... she was like putting deffinitions and ideas in my head. she explained how its ok, theres no need to fear, they just wanted to make contact and that what i felt was the difference in conciousness. i felt the difference between us.. i also had this idea in my mind that once we made contact and i felt it, they will always be there now... it was very strange and i was wondering if your contacts in your dreams have increased? because this just happened last night, and i regret feeling freightened, she explained it all to me without words... its sooo strange. i want to make contact again

Lady of Light said:
If you could post this in the forum, where it's open to the public, we can discuss more there.

No, I would say that the dream contact has not increased, however, I feel them around me quite often. It's quite a special feeling when they are around, so I know it is them.

Let's get this information out so others can read it too!

Lady of Light

giraphe said:
ok why dont you make a post of our conversation, im sorry

Lady of Light said:
Nothing to be sorry about.
I just feel others can benefit from hearing about your experience, that's all.

Lady of Light

I thought many others could benefit from this experience, so I'm sure giraphe will be sure to share more!
Hello lady of light, I don't know if I'm too late to reply since the post was from 2011 but I hope you read this.
I don't know much about these experiences but I have been going through them quite a lot, every time I find myself on the verge of falling asleep I tend to lose movement through out my entire body yet I'm very conscious of what's going on, I can't tell if I'm asleep or awake because of the feeling of being unable to move.
But during these experiences I have visions, just recently I believe I saw someone or something that could have been a grey knowing they have large heads and big eyes. I tried to wake myself by blinking but as I felt like I was blinking It was still there. Call me crazy or whatever but I'm just sharing what I've been going through and I thought I'd share this with you. I don't think much about extraterrestrials but I do believe we're not the only living beings out here. I have more to share if you would like to hear.
Hello lady of light, I don't know if I'm too late to reply since the post was from 2011 but I hope you read this.
I don't know much about these experiences but I have been going through them quite a lot, every time I find myself on the verge of falling asleep I tend to lose movement through out my entire body yet I'm very conscious of what's going on, I can't tell if I'm asleep or awake because of the feeling of being unable to move.
But during these experiences I have visions, just recently I believe I saw someone or something that could have been a grey knowing they have large heads and big eyes. I tried to wake myself by blinking but as I felt like I was blinking It was still there. Call me crazy or whatever but I'm just sharing what I've been going through and I thought I'd share this with you. I don't think much about extraterrestrials but I do believe we're not the only living beings out here. I have more to share if you would like to hear.

It's never too late to reply to these things. I leave this open so that others can come and share their own experiences with such so we can get a discussion going on the topic.

Your experience is not unusual, or uncommon. From the sound of it, you have been going into a 'sleep paralysis', and that is why you cannot move. Being aware in this state is important because you can, from there, consciously affect what is there. You most likely DID see a 'grey'. There are many beings within the realm in which you entered upon entering the sleep paralysis stage.

Although your experience happened in a different way than my own, they still both (yours and mine) took place in the same place, so therefore can be said to have taken place in a dream.

For more information on dream-states I refer you over to my channel about this which can be found here:
It's important to understand WHERE you are when this is happening in order to gain more insight into it and to be able to move further along with potential contact.

I would absolutely love to hear more about your story if you are willing to share it here. :) I want people to be aware that these things do indeed happen and that they are not alone by any means in having it happen to them. This is why I shared MY story. :)

Thank you for posting! :D

Lady of Light :)
Thanks for sharing your other thread!
I read it and I wasn't sure what astral travel was until I read it and I'm glad I found your info knowing I'm not the only one that goes through this
Not only have I been going through sleep paralysis as you say but also astral travel
Let me start off with my first encounter when I was about 12 or 13 years of age
I slept with my brothers when we were younger in bunk beds, I slept on the bottom one and my brother on the top
I believe it was around 3am when I woke from my sleep (note at this time being young I had no idea about other beings) and for some reason as I was opening my eyes I thought I saw a man holding me down, but as I gained clear vision I saw this being with green skin tone and huge black eyes
Just sniffing me and inhaling deeply, everyone tells me It was just a dream but I can't help it to believe it was real because I felt him holding me down and feeling his breath.
As I got a bit older I made mistakes in life and I believe I've been punished somehow, going through bad experiences in life and paranormal experiences
But as years went by I've made up for those mistakes and had more faith in god, love and light
The most amazing experience I've ever had so far was when I tried contacting the good through telepathy, trying to get my message out there
And believe it or not one night( 2 days after my message) I believe they tried contacting me but I was afraid because this was the first time it ever happened to me, here's what happened
As I fell asleep I thought I had woken up, I had full conscious and I was in bed when I felt like something was pulling me, not physically but spiritually what I mean by that is I felt like I was flying from my room to my kitchen where I stopped. I remember seeing something, I can't remember what it looked like but it had me scared and I felt like these beings sent me back to my body and whats so amazing about this experience is that these beings made me see my dog whom I love very much and I felt happy, the happiest I've ever been, I felt myself laughing so hard with joy and as soon as I reached my body I woke up, not being scared but amazed. About two weeks after I heard a voice in my head, very clear but the voice sounded as if it were muffled. I only got to hear them say "These voices" as if they were explaining telepathy

As time goes by I feel like I have to do something with these beings, I feel like I have to help somehow
I'm sorry if i'm writing too much but I just had to share this with someone else
You're not writing too much at all. :)

Everything that you "thought" you experienced, you DID. And that is the biggest thing that people need to understand. These things ARE real. Experiences like this are too often dismissed.

It's best to share these things because it is the best way to deal with these experiences and to try to gain an understanding of such. A lot of people are afraid to come out into the open with their experiences for fear of being ridiculed, and they need to know that there are people out there that experience it too and they are not "dreaming" or "imagining" these things.

There are too many people out there that share similar experiences that will not come forward until it is widely accepted as “normal”. The only way to show those people that this IS in fact “normal” is to get the message out there, and to share as many stories as possible from as many people as possible.

I am very happy you have come to share your experiences here, and you can share as much or as little as you please. :) This is what my forum is about. Yes, there are many topics on here, but this type of thing is my focus. To bring these sorts of things out into the public view and to make them known to be commonplace, as well as to help others through their experiences is my goal.

So, don’t EVER feel like you are writing too much and hold yourself back. If you want to, or need to, say something, if you feel the need to share, you go right ahead and don’t hold back. :)

Now I’m rambling, lol. :)

THANK YOU, for sharing. I (and I’m sure others too) really do appreciate it!

Lady of Light
Hi! I have been experiencing strange things recently and I need to tell someone. I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for a few years now and until reading this thread, I was unaware that it was connected to my dreams about aliens. The first time I had a sleep paralysis episode, I was about 14 or 15 and I remember feeling peaceful and calm. I was so relaxed that I almost forgot about it. I didn't experience it again for a couple of years and the next time I did experienced it, it was more extreme. I remember being frightened and feeling an evil presence in the top corner of my bed room. For the next few months, it continue to happen and it scared me; I didn't understand what was going on. I did some research and found out it was sleep paralysis. I was too afraid to experiment with it like people on the Internet were doing so I tried to fight it. However, the episodes continued to get worse. It started happening almost every night. During that time I remembering waking up in the middle of the night and seeing an alien almost nose to nose to me. He was small, almost the size of a child. I remember not being afraid, which is strange because something like that should have certainly frightened me. I have always felt as though it wasn't a dream. He didn't say anything to me, we just stared at each other until I eventually fell back to sleep. I don't know how but I just feel as though it was a male and he was REAL. I even joked with my little brother a few days later saying, "an alien visited me the other night." Looking back, I am surprised by myself that I wasn't afraid. I am a bit of a wuss haha so that is unusual for me. Around that time I also had an outer body experience or whatever it's called. I fell asleep on my couch one night and felt sleep paralysis coming. I tried to fight it but could not. I felt my body vibrating more than usual an I felt first the trunk of my body jerk from my body then my limbs. I jerked upward so fast, that I fell over the back of the couch. I was floating and it was extremely hard for me to keep my balance. I finally contained myself and flew around the couch and saw myself laying on the couch asleep. It was odd. I kinda floated/walked around my house some, until a man that I didn't know busted in my door. He was extremely aggressive and his eyes were animal like. He chased me to my hallway and tackled me to the ground and held me there. He then whispered in my ear, "I want you to know how it feels to be held on the ground." I'm not sure what this meant but it terrified me. He lie with his hands holding my hands down and his knees pushing in my stomach. We were right in front of my dad's bedroom and I screamed for him. He came out of his room and directly pointed a gun at the man's head. I woke up with the gun shot ringing in my ears and my risks hurting. The strange thing is that in my dream my dad looked asleep, almost as if he were sleep walking, and the next day when I told him about it, he looked at me like i was a ghost. I asked what was wrong and he told me he had a dream that my ex boyfriend was attacking me and he had no choice but to shot him in the head. It is almost like my spirit was calling out to him and he responded. That whole episode was traumatizing to me. I was too afraid to go to sleep at night and I felt violated. Well anyway, that was almost exactly a year from now and I eventually found a way to control these episodes and I thought it was over with until about a few weeks ago. I have been experiencing sleep paralysis again and a few nights ago, I had a terrifying dream. I had a dream that I was at my mothers house and an alien was trying to break in. This alien was not like the first. He was tall and his head was still large but shape slightly different. In my dream, I was terrified but my family was not. I knew he was coming after me. He eventually busted through the wood that covered the window and said something that I can't remember and shot me with some type of gun the was not human made. Everything instantly went black and my body instantly shot down. I knew I was dead. Then I woke up.
First, thank you for sharing your story. Second, know that you are not alone. Although I have not experienced any sleep paralysis I know people who have. 2 of my aunts, and 1 of which had many many times and I believe she still does.

I have to go right now, but I'll be back tomorrow to talk some more about this. I just want you to know that you are NOT alone!!
Hi, Girl with a clue.

To the "dreams" and out of body, those aspects can absolutely be controlled, and SHOULD be, as much as possible. I would imagine, the sleep paralysis can be controlled as well in much the same way. From what I've heard of the paralysis from everyone who has told me is the common factor of FEAR. I'm sure if that fear can be not allowed, then whoever is causing it will not be able to cause the paralysis anymore. I have not experienced such, so I honestly don't know what it's like first-hand.

As to the alien with the beam, I would venture to say that you may well have been abducted. I was listening to an old Art Bell show yesterday and there were a few people who stated the same thing, and feel that they were in fact abducted. So, anything is possible.

Take notes as to when this stuff happens. Try to keep as much detail as possible. And get control whenever possible and keep that control.

If you haven't already read it, I suggest reading this:
It may help on that subject.

I will relay a story of one of my aunts (mentioned above) who experienced (and may still be experiencing from time to time) sleep paralysis. My aunt was staying with me to help watch my parents' house while they were away for a few days. All 3 nights, she claimed she was being held down by a man in the bed she was sleeping in. At the time, I didn't think much of it. I knew she wasn't lying about what she felt, but I didn't understand it so I blew it off. This was 12 years ago. Since that time, she had told me of multiple times where this would happen in her own home. Naturally, everyone thought she was nuts. I didn't think she was crazy, but really, I didn't know what to make of it. Our house was always haunted and there were natural "gateways", 3 of them, within the house at different spots. Those nights there, the bed she was in was between 2 of those gateways and abutting on one of them. So, I figured maybe it was a ghost. My family has always been sensitive to these things, so when you attract entities to you, it's hard to know WHAT is going on. To say I was scared would be an understatement. (I've since learned to drop that fear and although sometimes get freaked out, I'm not scared by any of it anymore.)

I'm not sure if that story helps any, of even if it makes sense. As I type and speak these days, I feel that I trail on and don't make my points, but I hope that it helps to know it's common.

My other aunt had a dark entity come after her as she was paralyzed in her bed. That happened about 3 years ago.

The only time I have had contact that I am aware of is with the aliens mentioned above, which are the child-like ones who give off the oh-so-comforting loving feeling. These are the ones who I can FEEL come around me from time to time, but I have only seen them in a dream. I have had other dreams of seeing ships, but nothing negative.

I encourage EVERYONE who has had any kind of experience like the above to share their stories. It helps everyone, especially those who think they are alone and those who don't know what to do about it. We need to help bring to light what's going on out there and show that this type of thing is real.
I have too many to even begin to recount here, or anywhere but into a big, fat book but I feel it's vital to reiterate in the strongest terms that you simply must not allow yourself to feel nor experience fear with these things. There is nothing to fear. Change your mindset. Fear is something that really only holds back intelligent observation and the potential understanding that would result. I can tell you that once you achieve a fair degree of control over the fear response, you will also have control over events to a great extent. Energy reacts to energy. Your thoughts are the cause that creates the effect in a very literal sense.

You can also utilize this new-found understanding in your daily life. It all works the same way. Dreams, sleep, wakefulness, meditation, and all the rest are all really just different states of existence. There are more than you might imagine. If you could understand that, you would lose a whole lot of fear - all of it, in fact. There is simply nothing to fear at all.
I just had this weird event . Anyone know what could have happened ?

I had a "dream" that felt real I was just laying down next to my wife in bed and I dont remember sleep ing at all but what happened next, I saw like a dark spot next to my wife on the wall since she was sleeping on that side and I had my eyes closed and one open a little peeking and when I tried to move I was paralyzed I could only move certain muscles of my body I tried to wake her up but could not speak or move hard enough to wake her,I felt a pressence near me so I threw myself off the bed by pushing my weight to the side then instead of waking up like I thought I wouldve with the impact I start feeling like I'm falling though I couldn't tell if I was falling up or down this lasted around 10-15 seconds then I got consciousness and slowly I crawled to the light switch but power was out I felt weak I heard my wifes voice but couldn't see her then I jumped towards my phone and with the light I could barely make out an unclear shadow when I turned on flssh on my phone next thing I realize I woke up in my bed next to her feeling dread like someone was there, a pressence . I don't think it was a dream .3:45am was on my phone . I live in a house with more family, my door was locked .
.. but I feel it's vital to reiterate in the strongest terms that you simply must not allow yourself to feel nor experience fear with these things. There is nothing to fear. Change your mindset. Fear is something that really only holds back intelligent observation and the potential understanding that would result. I can tell you that once you achieve a fair degree of control over the fear response, you will also have control over events to a great extent. Energy reacts to energy. Your thoughts are the cause that creates the effect in a very literal sense.

You can also utilize this new-found understanding in your daily life. It all works the same way. Dreams, sleep, wakefulness, meditation, and all the rest are all really just different states of existence. There are more than you might imagine. If you could understand that, you would lose a whole lot of fear - all of it, in fact. There is simply nothing to fear at all.

I re-iterate Kotn's re-iteration! (okay I won't...but Kotn is RIGHT!) - The frequency of your thoughts and emotions dictate your experiences. Fear is the wrong mindset. Feel LOVE and GOODNESS - and that is what you will experience.. and that may include (if you desire it) - E.T. (and/or spirit) contact from very loving souls.
This is what I sent my girlfriend this morning;
So I had a dream and I remember it, it started with me looking in the sky at night. Then a sheriff pulls right up. Gets out starts taking pictures of my truck because there's a "stolen green dodge" ha. Then I notice a fast moving star/satellite and I say "look" then there's two, then two more, then two more with a red and blue shimmer. Those start flying crazily and then all of a sudden these three craft are hovering over us. I run inside but I hear this muffled voice saying blah blah blah don't be afraid etc. I walk out and this creature is walking up! Like a flat metallic pills bury doughboy! Maybe three feet tall.haha from what I remember.He kind of climbs up on my chest and then I kind of held him. I see this blue screen with a lot of info and I remember focusing and seeing this website.i remember memorizing it but when I woke up I couldn't quite remember exactly what it was. Don't remember much after that.
After reading your stories, I have to add that I've had sleep paralysis, but I've also had dreams of UFO's my whole life. Some very similar, like i will be looking at one or two and then it's like they notice me but I always wake up before anything happens. This is the first time they have actually stopped, hovered and made contact with me! It's almost like maybe I wasn't ready until now. As I'm talking about this I'm getting chills. I don't think this is just a dream. Events have been happening in my life the past several months that have drastically changed me as a person. All good things. I'm becoming more and more conscious and awake. I really don't know what else to say for now. I guess let me know what you think.
It sounds to me like your analysis of not being ready until now is most likely correct. This sounds like what i like to call an experience, and not a dream. Also from the sounds of it, you can expect to have more happen in the dream world as well as outside of it.

Thank you for sharing. :)
It sounds to me like your analysis of not being ready until now is most likely correct. This sounds like what i like to call an experience, and not a dream. Also from the sounds of it, you can expect to have more happen in the dream world as well as outside of it.

Thank you for sharing. :)

For years now I've been having this bizarre experience that occurs while nearing sleep. I always know when it's going to happen because the physical sensations that accompany it are extremely unpleasant. For a long time I assumed the experience was the result of some type of seizure, but I've never fully been able to convince myself 100%.

It begins in that state, right before sleep, that place where you can dream vividly yet still are aware that your TV is on, or of noises outside, etc.. It begins as a sensation, a nauseous tickle in the brow, and quick flashes of vertigo followed by paralysis, and the sensation of drowning (although aware of your breathing). When it first started to happen, around age 20, I would panick when I felt it beginning. I would try my hardest to open my eyes or move or speak in order to wake up, but it was impossible. It was extremely frightening and unpleasant. As the physical sensations built, becoming stronger and more intense, the dread and sense of urgency to wake up was indiscribable. As it became more and more unpleasant, I would suddenly feel the sensation of being on my back, but sliding, head first, down an extremely steep hill. I would slide down and down faster and faster, twisting and turning like I were riding a water slide. As I had this experience over and over again, I eventually refused to feel fear. I didn't feel safe, but at some point the terror was too unpleasant to keep experiencing, so I guess I just stopped. In any case. These dreams varied in where they went from that point--sometimes i would sit up in bed in heart pounding relief, only to look around the room and feel something was "off". On occasions such as this, I would leave my bedroom only to find a stairwell right outside my bedroom door (where I expected the living room). I knew the stairwell went upwards and downwards forever, although there was nothing to indicate this. On each landing I would find "people" and they felt hostile, and would all stare at me intensely without saying a word--there was a definite vibe of hostility. I wasn't afraid at this point, but felt like an unwelcome guest. A very confused, unwanted guest. Suddenly, I would feel the sickening tickle in my brow vanish and I would awake instantly.
On occasions where I didnt "wake up" in my room only to find myself still asleep, I would see images in my minds eye of black skinned, bald, pointy toothed beings who would stare into me with the same disdain, with enormous obsidian eyes shaped like a cats-on some occasions it felt like they were trying to scare me and where frustrated at my refusal to be afraid. Once, one held an infant, and it too gave me the same "feelings".

On all occasions I am aware that I am asleep in my bed and actively try to wake myself up. If I succeed, I wake up, but not in reality. I don't dread them as much as I once did, and since considering that they may be more than dreams, I haven't had a single one. But this once occurred at least a dozen times a month.
Wow! I can't even imagine what that would be like to experience such a thing. Thank you for sharing your experience! I don't believe they were dreams at all. They took advantage while you were in that state and maybe even caused the dream state (not just the one you would wake into, but the whole thing). Sounds like you were an experiment of some kind. I can't help but wonder why, as well as wonder how many other people out there are or had experienced the same thing.
if anyone wants to have a convo about this feel free to email me.
but I just woken up from a dream as if my body went through experiments. it's crazy how our body can feel whatever we went through after we wake up. I had a dream inside another dream so I had to make sure that when I woke up everything was real
I know this seems really strange, especially for those that don't believe in such a thing, but I believe I have been contacted by aliens through my dreams. Being psychic, I can differentiate between visions, out of body experiences (OBEs), dreams, etc. I have been contacted on numerous occasions by different beings. The first time I remember this happening was probably about a year ago. I can only give a description of them because they said they couldn't tell me at that time who they are. The were the size of children and were all of pale skin and no hair and they all wore light blue body suits. As they were leaving, I asked them if they could hear me if I called out to them or used my thoughts to contact them and they said yes. The only other thing, and probably the most important thing I can say about them is, they give off the most Loving and Comfortable feeling I have EVER felt in my life. I know they are around (when I am awake) based on this feeling alone.

Anyone who wishes to comment on this may call me a nutjob, but I don't care. This story needs to be told; I've been holding on to it for too long.

If anyone else has had similar experiences, please, post here and let everyone know.

I hope it is not too late to reply to this but my name is Alexzandra..
This may seem strange that I comment on this thread but you honestly seem like you know a bit about this sort of thing.. And I sort of need answers at this point.
First off, I'm really not sure what to make of all of this but I will say it anyways..
Ever since I was younger I've had dreams, many of them being nightmares due to PTSD. Long story short, I'm 19 now and still struggle with nightmares here and there. One night about a year ago I got fed up with the typical zombie chasing me and trying to kill me nightmare that I decided to do some research on how to make it stop. I did quite a bit of digging actually and came to the conclusion that lucid dreaming would help solve my nightmares. I laid down one night and thought of a trigger, zombies. I repeated it to myself that if I saw a zombie I would know I was dreaming. To my luck I had a nightmare that night. In the beginning I was scared and trying to hide from the zombie. I hid up in a shelve above a staircase. In that same moment the zombie was going up the stairs and decided to look straight at me and from that point in I realized I was dreaming. I looked the zombie in the face and after I don't remember much except the nightmare fading into a blissful dream. My happiness got the best of me and I lost control of the dream I was controlling and ended up running from a heard of zombies by the end of this. After that happened I threw myself into more research about lucid dreaming and how to keep control of it. Long story short, I stumbled upon many articles related to abductions and contact with different life forms. Out of curiosity I read all of the articles. I also found one with symptoms of being abducted. I've never been much of a believer in this thing but I was open minded. Now, over a year later I seemed to have had...a spiritual awakening as you could say. Along with that I've been in the process of dealing with parts of my past and my own demons but I've found myself... In almost an unhealthy curiosity of "UFOs". Looking back on it I realize that I've had many strange signs that relate to all of the symptoms of coming into contact with beings.... Intuition, a feeling of "being watched", severe insonnia, and even things as distant as a sudden want to take care of the Earth and help people. I mean I have just about every symptom except some crucial ones. I can't tell if I'm going crazy or maybe just that I can't remember anything however... The issues I have believing in this sort of thing is that I've never actually saw these beings. I've never, that I know of, dreamt of these beings, had an implant(of my knowledge), dreamt of passing through walls, saw anything out of the ordinary in the sky, etc. But I do want to come into contact...I'm not sure if its a taboo thing to want but I can't shake the feeling that ever since I was a little girl these beings have watched me and kept me safe. I've had all of the strange things ever since I could remember including the insomnia and overwhelming feeling of being watched. I do struggle with PTSD symptoms here and there and I just need to know if I'm going crazy, if it's just my PTSD, or if I really have been cared for by these beings. This isn't much information, not even close to the things I could say about this but I'm not sure who else to reach out to. I'm at a stand still with lucid dreaming... I don't know of any other way to know other than possibly being hypnotized. I have always loved nature and been an "outcast". I was alone as a child and also lived in the middle of nowhere, lol. I experienced intuition when I was about 8 on many different occasions. One time...I got this overwhelming fear of a bug flying into my ear while I was swinging in the swing set in my back yard. Within the next minute I went screaming and crying to my mother because a small fly flew into my ear. I think I was more afraid of the fact that I couldn't grasp how I could have guessed that rather than the bug that flew into my ear. I can remember multiple instances where I felt watched even as I went to the bathroom. I was a strange child.. But I just need to know if there is an easier why I can come into contact or find these answers through telepathy or dreams and how to do that. Please and thank you for reading all of this, it is much obliged.
I hope it is not too late to reply to this but my name is Alexzandra..
This may seem strange that I comment on this thread but you honestly seem like you know a bit about this sort of thing.. And I sort of need answers at this point.
First off, I'm really not sure what to make of all of this but I will say it anyways..
Ever since I was younger I've had dreams, many of them being nightmares due to PTSD. Long story short, I'm 19 now and still struggle with nightmares here and there. One night about a year ago I got fed up with the typical zombie chasing me and trying to kill me nightmare that I decided to do some research on how to make it stop. I did quite a bit of digging actually and came to the conclusion that lucid dreaming would help solve my nightmares. I laid down one night and thought of a trigger, zombies. I repeated it to myself that if I saw a zombie I would know I was dreaming. To my luck I had a nightmare that night. In the beginning I was scared and trying to hide from the zombie. I hid up in a shelve above a staircase. In that same moment the zombie was going up the stairs and decided to look straight at me and from that point in I realized I was dreaming. I looked the zombie in the face and after I don't remember much except the nightmare fading into a blissful dream. My happiness got the best of me and I lost control of the dream I was controlling and ended up running from a heard of zombies by the end of this. After that happened I threw myself into more research about lucid dreaming and how to keep control of it. Long story short, I stumbled upon many articles related to abductions and contact with different life forms. Out of curiosity I read all of the articles. I also found one with symptoms of being abducted. I've never been much of a believer in this thing but I was open minded. Now, over a year later I seemed to have had...a spiritual awakening as you could say. Along with that I've been in the process of dealing with parts of my past and my own demons but I've found myself... In almost an unhealthy curiosity of "UFOs". Looking back on it I realize that I've had many strange signs that relate to all of the symptoms of coming into contact with beings.... Intuition, a feeling of "being watched", severe insonnia, and even things as distant as a sudden want to take care of the Earth and help people. I mean I have just about every symptom except some crucial ones. I can't tell if I'm going crazy or maybe just that I can't remember anything however... The issues I have believing in this sort of thing is that I've never actually saw these beings. I've never, that I know of, dreamt of these beings, had an implant(of my knowledge), dreamt of passing through walls, saw anything out of the ordinary in the sky, etc. But I do want to come into contact...I'm not sure if its a taboo thing to want but I can't shake the feeling that ever since I was a little girl these beings have watched me and kept me safe. I've had all of the strange things ever since I could remember including the insomnia and overwhelming feeling of being watched. I do struggle with PTSD symptoms here and there and I just need to know if I'm going crazy, if it's just my PTSD, or if I really have been cared for by these beings. This isn't much information, not even close to the things I could say about this but I'm not sure who else to reach out to. I'm at a stand still with lucid dreaming... I don't know of any other way to know other than possibly being hypnotized. I have always loved nature and been an "outcast". I was alone as a child and also lived in the middle of nowhere, lol. I experienced intuition when I was about 8 on many different occasions. One time...I got this overwhelming fear of a bug flying into my ear while I was swinging in the swing set in my back yard. Within the next minute I went screaming and crying to my mother because a small fly flew into my ear. I think I was more afraid of the fact that I couldn't grasp how I could have guessed that rather than the bug that flew into my ear. I can remember multiple instances where I felt watched even as I went to the bathroom. I was a strange child.. But I just need to know if there is an easier why I can come into contact or find these answers through telepathy or dreams and how to do that. Please and thank you for reading all of this, it is much obliged.
Scratch that.. I was talking with my boyfriend about this the other day. When I was telling him that I had never came into contact with then before I got onto the topic of a weird dream I had one time. It's sort of personal. . . it's the only time I've ever had a dream like this. My boyfriend and I have known each other for a long time. However, when him and I started talking about two years ago he was the first person to mention lucid dreaming to me. One night, I kayed down with the intent to lucid dream. I don't remember much about falling asleep or what I thought except keeping my consciousness awake and remaining still. That night, I had the weirdest dream I have ever had. Like.I said before, I've had nightmares for a while. So when I do not have nightmares, well it's very rare. This night... I dreamt about having intercourse with a man. I don't remember his face. I don't remember much except how I felt it was perfect and how...loved I felt throughout it. I was in some kind of hotel in a distant city that I had no clue how I got to. In my dream I recall being a lucid enough to ask myself how I got to the city. But I could not remember. When I woke up that night, I blew it off as a failed attempt to lucid dream. . . Now, looking back I'm remembering how real the experience felt. I can't help question why I get this eerie feeling from it though and why I can't remember his face. I don't even recall talking. When I told my boyfriend this... He mentioned that it is possible for beings to take advantage of others through dreams however... In this dream, I was completely willing. I just don't understand it but I don't think it was a normal dream. It has stuck with me to this day... Is.. This even possible?