Strange lights again

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Hi all

I see on a regular basis lights around the hills where i live, luckily this time my wife saw it too.

It just came off the hill and slowly climbed, my wife said it was a helicopter, but i made her aware that there was no noise, she then commented about people lighting things to helium balloons and letting them go, the wind was in the opposite direction.

It was a flame colour, sort of twinkling like a fire with no smoke. I could make no shape of it until luckily it past a gap in the clouds and I saw it much better, it looked like an eye, the typical reported saucer shape in light grey with the flame coloured glow in the middle, like an eye.

It kept slowly going up until it disappeared.

Never seen one like that before. I have in the past seen silver balls, black triangles with lights on each corner etc. They usually make the news paper so i will wait and see.