So here I am...traveling a certain frequencies that I haven’t gone back to in about 3 years. I went to, and through these frequencies because of something Linda brown said about spaceships blinking and interdimensional space travel, and other stuff in which I haven’t seen in the future, or the past, or in some of the frequencies that I hold dear, as far as getting and receiving information. It was perhaps the wrong frequencies or perhaps I just couldn’t find the information I was looking for, but I found something else out.

So here I am, in the year 2086, I’m looking at a scientist and his partners looking at a black hole in which he says is 75 light years away as well as other things in which I couldn’t understand or fathom.

Over ten minutes had passed, in which is 10 hours in frequency time, wondering why the frequency took me to this spot. After almost 13 hours ,the frequency changed to another observatory some where else in which another scientist is looking at another black hole’’’ but no calendar was available ,no news paper and nothing that I could see to give me, or you a date, So I don’t know what year it is…sorry.

In 2091 another scientist who I believe was looking at the 2 previous guys work in 2086, summoned not only them, but a whole host of others, and he said.

Lady’s and gentlemen blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
What you are about to see is…one black hole 75 light years away from earth, and another black hole 130 light years from earth, tell me what you see.

Scientist 1.> is this right?

Scientist 2.>no way!

Scientist 3.>Am I looking at this correctly?

Scientist 1.>impossible

Scientist 3.>so your saying that

Main scientist> I’m saying that this black hole 35 light years from earth, absorbed every thing in its path, and this black hole that’s 75 light years away, spit out everything that this black hole absorbed, the data is right there.

You wanted to know where every thing goes once a black hole absorbs everything in its path and surroundings…. here it is,75 light years from earth, the one black hole that actually has an exit point.

‘This one black hole could change the way we think of space travel’

When knowledge is found other doors and frequency open up, so I went to another frequency and found out that, a certain race of &^%$$#@#$^ opened up a lot of theses ‘Space portals’ in space for..'to be continued next year once i find out more information'

Copy written by IMg527, December 20th 3012‘
Black holes are not black holes, they are ‘Space portals’ created to reduce the time of travel by 56 %, I think the only problem is, you have to find a black hole that’s near earth.

I think if blinking in and out ,or interdimensional space travel is possible, I think it just might start with what humans call, black holes, That I renamed ‘SPACE PORTALS‘.

My question is.
How, or what method would a scientist, or other beings of the galaxy use, to open up a hole in space to enter, and another black hole that has an exit point…how?

Ps: If you ever see this in my threads >>>>*&&^%^&*(<<<<<it means that it’s a word not of this time, so I cant use it in my writting, it might change a lot of things in the present.
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I have a few questions, IMg527. I get the time slowing by 56% thing due to Gravitational time dilation, time travel is the same as time passing after all. It's a matter of what frame of reference is being used. Earth time compared to near standstill of time passing, or near standstill of time having to be relative to Earth's time frame of reference in other words. 56 has to go over something 56/100 the whole number being Earth time. However I don't know if the center, uh I mean bottom, of a black hole is hot. So my question is this, "How can anything pass through a black hole if everything burns up and turns into energy and then is captured forever inside. Light can't escape from a blackhole, so radiant heat can't either it would stand to reason.

Now "blinking in and out, or interdimensional space travel" Could this be elementary particles blinking in and out of existence in this frame of reference and jumping to another, or to another universe entirely within the multiverse?
I don't know about the whole gateway aspect for traveling through space being what black holes are, but I will say this: I have known for quite some time, I won't say how long, but long enough, that black holes are not what they seem and they DO have an opening on the other side. It is my understanding that what goes in does indeed come out. I would use it more of a 'transition' than travel. Created? By aliens? I can't say. I believe it to be a natural occurring cycle. They have never been just there 'sucking things in'.

That's all I will share about this at this time. If what I have said above is not understood, then it is not yet meant for you as the reader to understand.

Thank you Gemini. :)
I think this has more to do with broadcasting, but nonetheless it deals with what I think your story is about Time If you broadcast into a black hole, I wonder how the broadcasted waves would be affected by the gravity of the black hole?

I should email DPD1 about this maybe? He's the expert on this sort of stuff. Meanwhile what do you think, Gemini?
I honestly don’t have an answer, I don’t know too much about science except that it changes every 2 years. Nothing has ever been seen coming out of a black hole, until this dude noticed it, was he wrong, or was he right, I didn’t stay and couldn’t stay to find out.

Black holes have allot of energy inside of it, some where in time something used this energy to, I guess do what it does. I also found something else out. If I was to tell you that my proof is in the star maps, and that the star system map is nothing but portal gate ways for the humans of today to find this out and some day return ...home...loll,
In the year 2112, a man will come up with a plan to connect the stars from a machine, that will connect every star in this solar system with some type of electricity machine, kind of like connect the dots, except its stars.

And in 2134 a man will have made this machine.

And in 2147 a giant conductor thing the size of a 747 will be out in space sending off this beam to the first star.

And in 2147 it didn’t work
but in 2174 it will be made again...and failed again
But in 2206 it will be made correctly and it worked successfully connecting 342 stars, and the ship they used to travel had an antenna on the top that harnessed the energy from the electric thing.

Kind of looks like this but connected to stars, loll, all through the universe.

And in 2206 after the famous launch, and after 20 stars, the prototyped disappeared, which led to what I believed might be the start of time travel, ‘and this is an opinion‘, apparently 20 stars are worth enough energy to blink out of space ,I wont say time travel, and I wont use blinking or demention travel, I don’t know, they didn’t know, nobody knew as every body in the room just had the ‘OMG face‘.

By the way, in the star system map I told you about, the others connected or used that same method on those particular stars to open up the gate way to where ever it goes.

Black holes where nothing but small portals that opened up widly over the course of thousands of years being opened.
An electric street car / trolly across the stars more or less you are describing, Gemini?

And Black holes are like the universe's subway?
Exactly,it looked super kool but epic fail.

By our laws we have to only tell 63% of everything when we see in the future or pass,its the rules,the rules of knowledge, that has been the rule every since the holy books of this world was written.

just like a trolly.i have until 12 estern time to tell you some of the greatest secrets ever told.i fifured i could use the excuse that the world is coming to an end,and so i had to tell just above the 81% margin of knowledge one came consume before '''the light broken and they find you.

Greatest secret ever told about....img527

Every human has a certain amount of angels that protect them as well as a certain cloudy light that keep'' *&^^&&****"" from finding you and taking over your future.
Knowledge was found to dimmer the light and create angels to leave your inner cirle of life,the dimmer your light gets,the more your subject to harmful things happening to you,and thats ,out of all the things i have ever told you,that is 'Real TALK'.That is the number 1 reason why knowledge always has to be crypted,unless you know bobe who alwys seems to vividly bring what i say to life....a' trolly'...yep,just like that.i wonder how much energy is in a star,and what happened to the vehical?
Exactly,it looked super kool but epic fail.

By our laws we have to only tell 63% of everything when we see in the future or pass,its the rules,the rules of knowledge, that has been the rule every since the holy books of this world was written.

just like a trolly.i have until 12 estern time to tell you some of the greatest secrets ever told.i fifured i could use the excuse that the world is coming to an end,and so i had to tell just above the 81% margin of knowledge one came consume before '''the light broken and they find you.

Greatest secret ever told about....img527

Every human has a certain amount of angels that protect them as well as a certain cloudy light that keep'' *&^^&&****"" from finding you and taking over your future.
Knowledge was found to dimmer the light and create angels to leave your inner cirle of life,the dimmer your light gets,the more your subject to harmful things happening to you,and thats ,out of all the things i have ever told you,that is 'Real TALK'.That is the number 1 reason why knowledge always has to be crypted,unless you know bobe who alwys seems to vividly bring what i say to life....a' trolly'...yep,just like that.i wonder how much energy is in a star,and what happened to the vehical?

I'll be tuning in all night to what you will be revealing. I want to make sure I am protected with bright light. You can be my lamp keeper. My friend for life. :)