The Kinross UFO Incident

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
First Lieutenant Felix Eugene Moncla, Jr. (October 21, 1926 – presumably died November 23, 1953) was a United States Air Force pilot who mysteriously disappeared while pursuing an unidentified flying object over Lake Superior in 1953.

This is sometimes known as The Kinross Incident, after Kinross Air Force Base, where Moncla was on temporary assignment when he disappeared.

1953 Kinross F-89 May Have Crashed "Head-On" with UFO

Amazing new photos have been released by The Great Lakes Dive Company concerning their discovery of the famous Kinross F-89 Scorpion jet fighter that disappeared over Lake Superior on November 23, 1953. The plane had been ordered to investigate an unknown object that was being tracked on radar.

Jet scrambled to investigate a radar blip then two blips appear to merge, then both vanish

Contradictions in official USAF explanations

Reports of aircraft parts found in 1968 on the shores of Lake Superior

pics of the jet and ufo at the bottom of this lake

