The latest Facebook fracas: Your privacy vs. its profit


Truth feeder
Washington Post
April 3, 2010

The signs of a new season surround us: Flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and another Facebook privacy fracas is brewing.

The last event kicked off a week ago, when the popular social network posted a note on its blog about “working with some partner Web sites that we pre-approve to offer a more personalized experience” at those sites.

This possible change didn’t exactly get a charitable read in reactions like “Facebook’s Plan To Automatically Share Your Data With Sites You Never Signed Up For,” and “Facebook Planning To Give Away Your Data To ‘Partners.’ “

How bad could things get for the 400 million-plus Facebook users when this test begins a few months from now?

The potential downside seems obvious. You’ll see that some random site knows who your Facebook friends are and fret about other once-private information Facebook might be leaking. But what will you be able to do when so much of your life is tied up there?

Full article here
