[Bombshell!] The Noosphere 9-11-2001 Anomaly


New member

Hello Everyone,

I have an E-Book about a 9/11 anomaly that is almost unknown. Here's the book Description I've given on Amazon (btw, the book is under two bucks):

Book Description
Publication Date: June 25, 2012
Welcome to the first in what will be a series of books derived from previous posts on the blog called `The Heavy Stuff’. All posts on The Heavy Stuff are written by esoteric blogger – author – lecturer, original thinker and Phenomenologist H. R. Phillips. Indeed, many posts within the blog The Heavy Stuff are written based on what Phillips calls the Phillips Phenomenology; a system of original thought `about spaces’ similar to great thinkers such as Edmund Husserl and Sartre.

Book one in this `best of’ series, is the information that Phillips came across on the internet concerning random number generators that forced him to create the blog The Heavy Stuff. Phillips did so - so that he could share what he believes to be his unique insights into some mysteries of the random data collected on September 11th, 2001 via linked computers at Princeton University. `Random’ information data that has become the crux of what is considered to be possible proof of a Global Consciousness called the Noosphere – an ongoing research project to see if random number generators worldwide may be influenced by human events and emotion.

The Noosphere of global consciousness is a bold idea which uses `irregularities’ in randomness of data overlayed to the timing of great human events. The idea that if `randomness’ can be affected, perhaps the world consciousness is indeed responding to human consciousness. But, other aspects of the irregularities of the random number generators on that day suggest an even deeper explanation. An explanation so deep, that it is involved with human intentionality’s and expectations. With a mystery that may be solved by thinking in terms of Phenomenology itself – the Phillips Phenomenology.

This is the link to the book - Amazon.com: The Noosphere 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff) eBook: H. R. Phillips: Kindle Store

Rick Phillips
This is very interesting, thanks for posting and linking here :)


What I especially `like' about this anomaly is that it doesn't depend in any fashion upon perception of humans for it's weirdness - we are talking only about sets of random numbers.
