Time Skips or Time Jumps

Lady of Light

I know I can't be the only one experiencing this phenomenon. I find, especially when watching a program on tv, i tend to skip seconds and or minutes here and there. I think I'm noticing more so because it's happening during shows that I've seen many times before. I'll notice that, although I am paying complete attention, there seems to be parts of the show missing.

This is a recent event that has been happening with me. Or at least, it's just begun to be noticeable. It may have been occurring for years for all I know.

This could also be the cause of some of the arguments I've been in with people who are close to me. They'll swear they said or did something right in front of me and I even acknowledged them, but I have zero recollection of such events. It's not a matter of me losing my short term memory. And I am not losing my mind. I believe it lies within the skipping of time.

It's getting more frequent as we near 2012. I'm sure it probably has something to do with this changeover that's coming. It may well be that time has indeed sped up, and the brain cannot keep up. I'm sure it's happening to others as well, and I would love to hear about it if it is. Let's find out how common this phenomenon actually is, shall we.
I wonder if that's what's happening to me. I tend to "miss" things here and there, that there's no way I should be missing. Glad I'm not alone. :)
I think everyone experiences this type of phenomenon, it's just that most people have never, and will never notice. They're too engrossed in the things that are brainwashing them that they can't tell they're missing time.

It doesn't seem so strange to me. I haven't paid enough attention to know if i'm experiencing it, but I probably am. I just don't know it, yet.
I had another huge one the other day. I missed an entire 5-10 minute conversation. The gaps seem to be getting longer. Very strange.
The worst part of it is, I'm told I'm interacting the whole time. I can't remember a thing. I wasn't present for it. I "stepped out" for those moments, and it's possible that someone else "stepped in".