Tiny camera reveals inside Mayan tomb

Lady of Light

Researchers have used a tiny remote-controlled camera to explore inside the tomb of a Mayan ruler, which had been sealed for the past 1,500 years.

The camera has revealed red frescoes, pottery and pieces of a funerary shroud made of jade and mother of pearl, Reuters reported.

The tomb was discovered inside a pyramid among the ruins of the Mayan city of Palenque in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas in 1999.

According to Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, this is the first time that archeologists have accessed the vault housing the remains of a Mayan ruler who lived between 431 and 550 CE.

Researchers got the first view of the intact tomb by sending the small camera 16 feet deep through a small hole at the top of the pyramid.

"The characteristics of the funeral site show that the bones could belong to a sacred ruler from Palenque, probably one of the founders of a dynasty," said archeologist Martha Cuevas.

The tomb's walls bear rich red paintings of Mayan figures, who lived between 250 and 900 CE.
