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> Two fleas from Saskatchewan had an agreement to meet every
> winter in Yuma for a vacation.
> Last year when one flea gets to Yuma , he's all blue,
> shivering and shaking, nearly froze to death!
> The other flea asks him, 'What happened to you?'
> The first flea says, 'I rode down here from Regina ,
> Saskatchewan in the mustache of a guy on a Harley.'
> The other flea responds saying, 'That's the worst
> way to travel.
> Try what I do. Go to the Plains Hotel Bar in Regina . Have
> a few drinks.
> While you are there, look for a nice snowbird, crawl up her
> leg and nestle in where it's warm and cozy. It's the
> best way to travel that I can think of.'
> The first flea thanks the second flea and says he will give
> it a try next winter.
> A year goes by..... When the first flea shows up in Yuma ,
> he is all blue, and shivering and shaking again. Nearly
> froze to death.
> The second flea says, 'Didn't you try what I told
> you?'
> 'Yes,' says the first flea, 'I did exactly as
> you said ... I went to the Plains bar. I had a few drinks.
> Finally, this nice young snowbird came in. I crawled right
> up to her warm cozy spot. It was so nice and warm that I
> fell asleep immediately. When I woke up, I was back in the
> mustache of the guy on the Harley.