U.S. Military Making Plans for an Alien Invasion (Potential False Flag Event)

100th Monkey

New member

Pentagon plans for Alien invasion exist according to military professor by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. (exopoliticsinstitute.org)

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

IT'S OFFICIAL: A member of the U.S. Air Command with special clearance of White House, spoke earlier this Sunday, during an interview apparently aired only by Australian MSM, about the official plans of the U.S. military to fight a hostile alien invasion. Take in mind that TPTB are building a mega radio-telescope in Australia and New Zealand, for detecting an alien invasion and also the U.S. Army is deploying thousands of Marines in Australia, what strongly suggests that a major false-flag event will take place in the land of down under.


I love that, "if their goal was occupation and conquest..... start by wiping out as many communications networks as possible and eliminating as many weapons as might represent some form of threat either to them or to the resources that they're trying to extract......"

So, what that sounds like to me is they are already here and they've been working at this for centuries.

"keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed basically to counter a common enemy. and you look at some of the great world powers of the globe today and you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy."

That one's priceless. So the aliens that are here to control and dominate us have had to band together to fight us humans. It's our own war of the worlds and they've got a military of OUR people to fight for them for their complete conquest of US! So now they've got the military forces prepared for outward invasion when really, we've been invaded already. The aliens are already here. We've already been fighting them. They pit us against each other by controlling militaries of many countries and pit them against each other funding both sides of the war so that WE wipe each other out leaving THEM to win.

Wake the F*** up and look at what's happening. It couldn't be more clear what this video is showing. And it's on National Geographic to boot!

Our suppressors are using us against each other for their world domination.

They'll make a false flag attack for sure. Well, at least they'll try. Hopefully, enough of us will be onto them and see that it's in fact false and call them out before too many people are needlessly injured or killed, again.
Let's plan for an alien invasion, but aliens are NOT real, but let's plan for alien invasion anyways, and remember aliens are NOT real! They been trying a weaponize space for a long time now, remember the last false flag attack is supposed to be a fake alien invasion!
Ya, there's that too! There's no such thing as aliens, but we'll be ready if they show up. That makes me laugh. Deny the existence of aliens, then state that you're preparing for when they show up.
The whole disclosure of aliens and UFOs is like a poker game, if they admit that aliens and UFOs are real they are showing us some of their cards and of course you don't want to do that in poker now do you. By not disclosing aliens or UFOs they can keep playing the game and keep their poker face on and possibly win. If they show us their UFO card, we have a better chance of winning, and they do not want that!
I like the way you put that Denise. You're right because then we would find out about all the hidden antigravity and free energy technology that they're hiding from us. That would remove our dependence on fossil fuels and the world would be a bit freer and we would have more money. And we wouldn't have to work so hard to pay those pesky bills! And we be more concerned about what our governments doing and we have the time to do something about it!
Oh I think there are disclose aliens, but to disclose him as a threat to humans. They basically going to say that they want to destroy us and that we need to destroy them first and be prepared weapons. This is apparently what Werner von Braun said.