the pentagon

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    Kerry blames Hizbullah for 1983 US embassy bombing

    “Hey, US wanted to stick their nose into this Lebanon thing, let them pay the price,” Israeli prime minister Begin. On April 18, 2013, US secretary of state John Kerry, who is married to a Jewish billionaire of Heinz food dynasty and grandson of a Jewish couple – took a shot at Israel’s N0.1...
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    [Attention] Pentagon sends missle defences to Guam

    Pentagon sends missile defences to Guam as North Korea 'approves nuclear attack on US' - Telegraph Well, I've often heard it said that to know what's really going in our country we have to seek news sources from other countries. This is not good, I can't figure out if this is all a...
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    The ‘Iron Dome’ and Israeli lies behind it

    During the 8-day Israeli aerial attack over Gaza Strip last November, the Zionist regime had claimed that its anti-missile Iron Dome was able to intercept 90% of the so-called “deadly rockets” fired by Iran-supported Palestinian resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Israeli claim was...
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    Chuck Hagel bow down to please Israel

    Chuck Hagel who was painted as “Jew-hater, anti-Israel, pro-Iran and receiving funds from Hamas”, has finally learned how to keep his new job for a while. In order to please his pro-Israeli opponents, on Tuesday, Chuck Hagel invited and ‘huged’ Israel’s out-going foreign minister Gen. Ehud...
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    US budget cuts wouldn’t affect USAID to Israel

    On Friday, Barack Obama signed the so-called “Sequestration (automatic cuts) bill” after he and Congressional leaders failed to find an alternative budget plan. Originally put in place in 2011, the automatic cuts can only be halted by an agreement between the President and the Congress. The...
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    Chuck Hagel worries Israel, India and NATO

    On Wednesday, former Sen. Chuck Hagel was sworn in as Obama’s third secretaryof defense since Obama occupied the White House in 2009. After taking the oath of office, Hagel told his new staff at the Pentagon: “I’ll never ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do.” The vicious smear campaign...
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    Chuck Hagel won – and so did Israel Lobby

    Tobin Harshaw, the Zionist Op-Ed editor of the NYT summed-up Chuck Hagel’s 58:41 victory in the Bloomberg on February 26, 2013: “So Chuck Hagel is finally and officially the secretary of defense. But there’s not much to celebrate. President Barack Obama has man in place, but Hagel’s disatrous...
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    Obama’s ‘Jewish issue’ with Cuba

    R.M. Schneiderman, editor and writer for Newsweek and the Daily Beast, wrote in the Foreign Affairs Magazine (December 21, 2012) that the single biggest reason Barack Obama cannot make peace with Cuba – is Alan Gross, US Jewish citizen serving out 15-year prison sentence in Havana. Cuban...
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    Colin Powell on “Jewish Lobby” and Iran

    Yesterday, former Afro-American US secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, generated a big Zionist storm by defending president Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel, his nominee for next defense secretary. During an interview at ‘Meet the Press’, Powell defended both Obama and Hagel on Israel and Iran...
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    9/11 and Netanyahu

    We all know the holy 9/11 official story of “19 Muslim hijackers who lived in the West and fooled around with local call girls and booze“, defeated mighty American Pentagon and CIA by carrying out historic act of terrorism against innocent American citizens – because they “hate US”. Israeli...
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    Is Obama about to dump Hagel for Flournoy?

    After succeeding in installing pro-Israel Sen. John Kerry as next US secretary of state – it seems the Jewish Lobby has forced Barack Obama to dump former senator Chuck Hagel as his choice for the US secretary of defense. The Jewish journalist Adam Kredo wrote at the Free Beacon on December 19...
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    Israel: ‘Thou shalt not vote for Hagel’

    “An Obama nomination and Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel would be a major step in breaking the grip of Israel’s myrmidons (Israel-Firsters) in this country,” James M. Wall, journalist and former publisher of Chicago-based The Christian Century magazine. Earlier, I had posted Jews against...
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    US plans to hold bilateral talks with Iran!

    On November 30, the retiring US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, made an ‘antisemitic’ statement, claiming that Washington is open to bilateral talks about Iran’s nuclear program if Iran is “ever ready”. In response, Iran’s foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi said that Tehran had already been...
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    US to build ‘Site 911′ in Israel

    Walter Haskell Pincus 80, the Jewish national security journalist for the Zioconservative daily The Washington Post reported on November 28, 2012 that US Army Corps of Engineers plans to build a five-storey underground facility, named “Site 911″ at an Israeli Airforce base near Tel Aviv. The...
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    Martial law Drills Happening Now What do They know That We Don't

    Now I live in one of these two cities, but was tired Friday night I fell asleep on the sofa watching a movie and didn't wake up until 2 am and heard nothing, I would've heard the choppers normally can always tell the sound of police chopper from a news chopper. Of course, the MSM Tv news didn't...
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    Israeli army refuses to attack Iran

    On July 31, the Zionist entity’s prime minister Netanyahu in a rare interview with Israel’s Hebrew channel and the Russian channel admitted that no matter how he and his defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak love to attack Iran – many of his cabinet members and Israel’s military generals are against...
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    US to set Somalia free of ‘tyranny and terrorism’!

    “The United States is a leading terrorist state,” says professor Noam Chomsky, a crypto Zionist scholar during an interview with David Barsamain (Jewish founder of Alternative Radio), November 2001. After defeated in conventional wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, US war planners have decided not...
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    Pastor Jones: ‘Obama Dead in 2012′

    The US secret service is investigating Holy Qur’an burning fame pastor Terry Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center for hanging a dummy of Barack Obama. Interestingly, when Andrew B. Alder, publisher-editor of Jewish daily, Atlanta Jewish Times, suggested in January 2012, that Israeli Mossad should...
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    Netanyahu: ‘How to make Mursi love us?’

    Israeli prime minister Benji Netanyahu has sent a message of congratulation to Egypt’s newly elected President Dr. Mohamed Morsi urging him to uphold a peace treaty between the two countries arranged by then US President Jimmy Carter. Bibi, in return, has offered his full cooperation with the...
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    Taliban praise India for not acting as US lapdog

    To great surprise to New Delhi, Pakistan-supported anti-US Afghan Taliban leaders have praised India for resisting US-NATO call for greater involvement in Afghanistan. There had been no assurance for the Americans, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters on Sunday. “It shows that...