
Mondays, UFOs and Twisting Shorts March 16, 2009
Posted by dad2059 in just ranting.
Tags: just ranting

Ugh. Mondays.

I hate ‘em.

Back to work and all that crap.

Also the day I catch up on listening to the past weeks podcasts and scoping out various sites and commenting on them.

Yeah, I still don’t have InnerTubes at home yet, and my daughter reminds me of it everyday.

But times is tough and I’m lucky to still have a j-o-b.

My wife lost hers however and I lost all my overtime, so no extras.

Unfortunately, the InnerTubes are “extras.”

But I do the best I can and so far I’ve been able to keep up somewhat.

Mondays however, leaves my brain a little blank on what to write and post.

UFOs have re-piqued my interest lately, so I get my fill of the Paracast on Mondays.

Gene Steinberg and David Biedny run the site and they have quite a variety of guests. They first broadcast on Sunday evenings 9 - 11 p.m. , but they save the links so one can listen at their leisure. The guest this week was George Knapp, the journalist who first broke the Bob Lazar Bob Lazar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia story about Area 51.

Actually, I liked this interview better than last weeks with Don Ecker.

But that’s not to say Ecker isn’t an interesting figure. A former Army soldier and cop, Ecker was Directer of Research for UFO Magazine for a number of years and brought credibility and logic to a field of study that draws it’s share of, let’s just say, “strange individuals.”

His website is here;
Lately, the theories about UFOs being a metaphysical phenomenon have circulated around because of the movements of the darn things and leaving no sonic booms after seemingly moving 600 to 1700 miles an hour!

I think they’re skating dangerously on the edge of New Age religion here. I can understand the bewilderment on how these damn things move and I can understand the multidimensional theory, but I think we’re giving this thing more spirituality than it deserves.

Wow, I actually did write something today, how about that crap?

Well, most folks would consider it crap, but I don’t care.

Perhaps more on this subject tomorrow.

Unless I find something that twists my shorts better! Ooh-rah!

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