[Breaking news!] Ukraine: A new witch hunt starting


Ukraine: A new witch hunt starting

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Seven Ukrainian Parliament Deputies or possessions put forward a bill for the Prohibition of astrology, numerology, forecasting and Beyond Any Other subjects linked to Any form of magic. It is not a joke! They Want To Forbid Both the practice and thesis subjects and the distribution of information Pertain Any child or to spheres thesis, The except "criticism narrating the negative impacts of These practices ...". This draft bill was registered in Parliament on April 13, 2010 At The focus of the comet Hale-Bopp (article on this matter Will Follow).

Our Kharkov Regional Astrological Center sent an appeal for protest to Parliament (I signed it as the president of this association) Which Has Been registered there on April 1922, since from our point of view it conflicts with the Constitution of Ukraine (official issue in English )

Our astrologer Kiev-colleagues (Kalantarova, Holomeev and someother) Also sent Their protest letters. Our recently Organized All-Ukrainian Astrological Association was Organized a press conference on this matter. Now, we are Preparing new appeals to the Ukrainian Authorities and journalists. The game is worth candles: Can we presume acceptances That Such A bill in one country a bad precedent May more narrow for others.

We Are Not Committed to the Flames yet, but we appeal to Those Who recitals this bill axis obscuration to support our struggle. For this purpose, we possessions thesis documents translated into English and posted on our site theme in Order to Facilitate Access to the theme (the above two references).

To this end, and "taking into account the peculiarities of a bill or considération, We May Suggest That It Is Probably better to send your grounded Objections to the Parliamentary Committees and to journalists and mass media since the owners are Latter Also very much interested in Rejecting Because this bill They widely use thesis subjects in Ukraine; addresses are Given in the second of the above references (to be updated on April 1926). Besides, as Deputies May not be well acquainted with English or Other foreign language, it is Probably better to send the letters by mail (viz. in a paper form, for official registration as well) to the address or Verkhovna Rada (the Parliament) , or to the Specified e-mail addresses of the secretaries of the respective Committees.

Actually, a month ago it was impossible to a legal witch hunt Imagine That Could Arise in the 21st Century!
[Editor Note: More information to follow Will the ezine if Necessary.
I Would Also Suggest: Human Rights Watch .

Sources: soulsofdistortion.nl

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