Unbelievable but true! The sun momentarily disappeared from the universe!

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Unbelievable but true! The sun momentarily disappeared from the universe! The influence of the giant UFO or alien influence? October 15, 2011

I though this was very interesting, what do you think?
IF, this is accurate, (and it very well may be), what i think is happening is that it DID go to another dimension, so to speak. Think about this for a second (or two), we know that there is an energy wave coming which is said to transform the enery around it, so..... what if that is startin to affect our sun? knowing that our sun is magnetic? Surely a giant magnetic ball (magnetism being a form of energy) would be affected by a large wave of ,at this time, unknown energies.

So............ whether this is some hoax or not, the reality is, something's happening and the real thing happening will ALWAYS be covered up as long as the people who are in charge remain in charge.