[Rant] Unknown text messages


New member
I keep getting cell phone text messages from random numbers, usually when I get a random number who I don't know who it is and I want to know I can type it into google. It will give me their name location and address... Lately I've been getting weird messages that I can't trace, from people sending texts from the computer I suppose. Could my phone be getting messages from the last owner even though I switched my phone into my name??:mask2:
I like to check numbers I don't know too. It's nice when you can trace them. If it's a home number, as opposed to a business (telemarketers and other numbers of the same caliber), and it's listed, it shows up in a search, otherwise usually nothing. I like when others have posted the numbers to let people know who it is calling.

I find with magic jack, sometimes strange looking numbers call, but that's because their not being detected correctly, or sometimes it's from a private or blocked number.

Yes, it could be texting from a computer. And yes, if the phone number is still the same, then it could very well be messages for the previous owner.
no i changed my phone number, My phones been acting weird as of late i think i should just change the number all together because i cant even set up a voicemail. when i call my voicemail its blocked... I usually find a lot of cell phones and the names of the people and the address they are at... It is really mind easing when i am able to find the number but i really think that the message was sent off from the computer to the wrong number because it was a forwarded message.
it's not impossible it's from a computer. There are lots of programs and websites out there that allow for that.

here in canada, most cell phones, unless it's someone's business number are impossible to find online, must be different in the states then.
yeah usually if I type a phone number into google it gives me different kind of tracking websites... It doesn't tell me the name of the person but it gives me the location, that's how I usually am able to pinpoint the location.
With technology today, one of the most dangerous things on the phone is saying "yes" or "i agree"
telemarketers can take your voice print, and, insert it
for example: you agree to a contract for $1000.00 per year for furnance service, (and, they insert 'yes') as there proof
when the question may have been, do you live at 123 park street, in Chicago, iL
and, then, you are roped into a 'contract' you never agreed to