
Genetically modified seeds in court

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A small farmer is competing with food giant Monsanto and the controversy has reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The result would be the future of genetically modified seeds in the United States can provide.

It is the trial of a U.S. multinational against small farmers, environmentalists and people who want to know more about the origins of their food. For the first time in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments against genetically engineered crops and the dangers they pose to the environment.

The lawsuit contends that Monsanto Geertson Seed Farms is contrary to the Food and Drug Administration Regulations. "It produces dormant seeds. This is seed to 20 years in the ground may lie before it germinates and comes up. And once wanted his alfalfa seeds and that seed is spread over the area is almost impossible to from the environment get, "said farmer Phil Geertson.

Monsanto is king of the GM world, a global biotechnology agrochemical giant. He is well known for his domination of the agricultural industry in both the U.S. and worldwide. Monsanto's controversial practices Geertson Phil, an alfalfa farmer from Idaho all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC brought. Geertson claims that his farms are contaminated by genetically engineered alfalfa by Monsanto.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Monsanto's Roundup herbicide examined to determine whether the modified alfalfa of the enterprise, any safety or health hazards. Despite the absence of a ruling by the USDA or the FDA may Monsanto's alfalfa seed fields throughout the country found

"Just because some people their fields free of Roundup Ready alfalfa want, they can not coexist, even if the government this product for planting approval. This product will occur there, so will farmers have to coexist," said David Snively, general counsel for Monsanto.

Monsanto maintain that a 2004 decision by a federal judge that banned the planting of alfalfa are misplaced and that the Supreme Court case will rule in their favor after the USDA completes its investigation.

Meanwhile, American consumers worried. They call for a complete boycott of Monsanto's alfalfa products and encourage people to buy organic instead. However in June the activists may be disappointed to come home when the decision is expected to be reversed.

The judge of the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, at the hands of Monsanto and several top positions in the Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture have been occupied by former Monsanto lobbyists. In this case, the revolving affect whether genetically modified seeds is a way of life.
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Gentically modified seeds have their day in court - RT Top Stories
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