25 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System and Avoid the Cold and Flu


Staff member
If your immune system is busy fighting off the contagions / pollution / poison/ contamination compiled in this list, when a cold or flu does come along your body will have to battle multiple chemicals and viruses. It will not be long before it is overwhelmed. Give your immune system a break, follows these 24 tips:

1. DO NOT get the flu shot / H1N1 shot / Vaccines of any type. Not only are they linked to Autism, Autoimmune disease and death, 2 pharmaceutical companies recently have been caught distributing shots contaminated with other viruses.
a. Baxter distributed H1N1 shot contaminated with live Avian Flu virus to 18 countries:
- Live Avian Flu Virus Vaccine Materials placed in Baxter Sent to 18 Countries
- Big Pharma Conspiracy: Baxter Vaccine Contaminated
b. …and Bayer sold an injectable blood-clotting medicine infected with AIDS:
- [video=youtube;wg-52mHIjhs]
Bayer Corporation Exposed
c. Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine
2. Avoid pharmaceuticals; in most cases they only treat the symptoms and not the cause. Search for alternative treatments. Avoid over the counter (OTC) drugs such Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, cough syrup, etc.

3. Wash fruits and veggies thoroughly to get rid of pesticides.

4. Buy organic foods whenever possible. You are voting with your dollars, put them it the right place.

5. If the food does not decompose (go bad / spoil), it’s not good for you. If insects and microbiological organisms are not eating it, you shouldn’t.6. Avoid anything with aspartame or other artificial sweeteners like Diet pop, chewing gum, etc.7. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), corn sugar (the new name for HFCS), refined (bleached) sugars. These sugars will promote the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other micro organisms.8. DO NOT drink bottled / tap water; they contain fluoride (rat poison), chlorine (bleach), heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.), pharmaceuticals and other toxins. Drink reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled whenever possible.9. Stop using fluoride toothpaste. Almost all toothpastes also contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose -don't be fooled… avoid them. You do not need toothpaste to brush your teeth, a brush and clean water works great. Here is a list of toothpaste recipes if you feel you need them:10. Avoid Teflon; get rid of your Teflon pots and pans, chemicals can leach into foods and air (PFOAs). Teflon is also called ethylene Tetrafluoride or Polytetrafluoroethylene therefore fluoride is part of its chemical makeup.11. Throw out / avoid all plastic food containers such as bottles / dishes / cups. Replace them with glass or ceramic. They leach chemicals into foods and give your immune system yet another chemical to fight. Do not heat or freeze your food in plastic. An example of this is Bisphenol A (BPA) which is linked to feminizing males and causing early puberty in girls by mimicking estrogen hormones. BPA is also found in virtually all canned foods.12. Get rid of all scented products in your home. If it has an added scent it’s not good for you. Scent usually means there are more than 4000 chemicals present in the product. These scents are artificial and are not good for your body. Find a natural replacement.

13. Avoid fabric softener, see #12.

14. Use a natural shampoo, body soap.

15. Change laundry soap to a natural soap.

16. DO NOT user air fresheners, such as Febreze, Air Wick, scented candles and Lysol they are toxic and are not natural and bring chemicals into your home that can be avoided simply by not using them. These products CANNOT replace fresh air.17. Get some fresh air; install a fresh air exchanger onto your furnace, open some windows in your home once a day to exchange the air. Over time the air in your home will become stale and can make you sick.

18. Do a mercury detox. Thimerosal is added to vaccines as a preservative referred to as an adjuvant and is 49.6% mercury. There is 25 mcg of mercury in a single flu shot. EPA "safe" levels is 0.1 mcg/kg. per day. By age 2, American children will have received 237 mcg of mercury just from vaccines. Here is what mercury does to your brain cells:
a. [video=youtube;85tgwh3HpsM]
19. Get lots of sun during the winter months for vitamin D. Open the blinds and let the sun fall on your skin. You can also take a vitamin D supplement (recommended amount is 4000 IUs for adults, and 2000 IUs for children) or cod liver oil. The more natural the source the better.20. Don't use sunscreen.21. Quit smoking / don't smoke.

22. Get regular exercise; minimum of 15 to 30 minutes a day 3 times a week.

23. Remove carpets in all rooms in your home. Carpet fibers are plastic and full of chemicals. They also hold in more dust / dander and anything else in the air that you cannot remove no matter how much you vacuum.

24. Ideally install a High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing (HEPA) or better filter system on your furnace. ie ionizers

25. Learn to meditate.
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Thank you for commenting on my article, I hope its helpful for you!
I Think I'm coming down with it Today but I already took the flu shot 3 Weeks ago...next year I will not take the shot and try this out......thanks for the READ.....
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I encourage you to research the flu shot / vaccines. I have never got the flu shot, I have been taking vitamin D and cod liver oil and I have not been sick in 2 years. I would rather choose nutrition and not a needle.
I encourage you to research the flu shot / vaccines. I have never got the flu shot, I have been taking vitamin D and cod liver oil and I have not been sick in 2 years. I would rather choose nutrition and not a needle.

I'm going to get my kids to try it since they haven't got the flu shot ....I got it at my routine Dr Visit because I'm also Diabetic. and I Inject insulin everyday twice a day...so that's why I didn't mind to get the shot...
lil man alexander got the flu shot 4 weeks ago got a lil touch but gave it to rick and made him really sick
I would like to add something here. Fasting is the simplest and cheapest way to simultaneously detox and strengthen your entire body and mind. There are many different ways to fast. Please read about it quite extensively to find out which type is right for you at which time of year, and according to your personal situation. Never do this without good information because it is truly that effective that you can "make yourself sick" by releasing toxins too quickly and in too great volumes, depending on how much you have collected over the course of your life.

Please feel free to contact me for more info. I am an intuitive healer and can walk you through getting started. Fasting always costs less than your normal food bill (by miles) and my consultations are free. There's really no excuse not to do it!
Not only are the majority of these tips ineffective, but some of them are also DANGEROUS! Avoid getting flu shots? ... That truly is testament to the stupidity of the human race, they do not cause autism or any of that non-sense, for your benefit I will tell you how they work: The way your body fights of infections is by deploying white blood cells which target and kill the infection, some just go and eat them, whereas others deploy ANTIBODIES which can do many things such as starving the bacteria, or sticking them together into clumps for the other white blood cells to eat, the way the antibodies target the bacteria are by attaching them selves onto the bacteria, it's quite complicated, but basically each bacteria has different bits onto which the antibodies attach themselves to meaning only specific antibodies can target specific bacteria.

So what does this have to do with flu jabs? Well, the flu jab works by injecting you with a bunch of DEAD bacteria, which the body treats as alive and a threat, meaning you may experience some symptoms (such as being too hot or cold, the body's way of slowing the breeding rate of them), but only because your body is doing it. So if you think about it, how can dead bacteria cause autism? I am well aware of the scare that went around at one time, but that has been dis-proven, shown to be only a misguided attempt at trying to keep people safe.

And the GM (genetically modified) crops? Don't be silly, they really are harmless, the only difference with them are better qualities chosen within them, so instead of going out of date VERY fast (organic) they stay around for much longer, are much more nutritious, can grow faster and are safer in the way that organic crops have little resistance to disease, whereas the much better GM crops have better NATURAL resistances, meaning little or no need for pesticides.

And finally, DO NOT avoid chemists or doctors, they are there to help and that is what they do, they treat causes and symptoms where possible, (the causes are usually impossible to treat because the infection has already set in, meaning that if you try to combat them, you effectively fight nothing, similar to shooting where your target was, not is).

One final thing though, i'm NOT some kind of medic freak that will only accept treatment from pills or injections, that note on fasting is a very good idea, but probably not while you are ill because your body needs food to fuel the fight.
Not only are the majority of these tips ineffective, but some of them are also DANGEROUS! Avoid getting flu shots? ... That truly is testament to the stupidity of the human race, they do not cause autism or any of that non-sense, for your benefit I will tell you how they work: The way your body fights of infections is by deploying white blood cells which target and kill the infection, some just go and eat them, whereas others deploy ANTIBODIES which can do many things such as starving the bacteria, or sticking them together into clumps for the other white blood cells to eat, the way the antibodies target the bacteria are by attaching them selves onto the bacteria, it's quite complicated, but basically each bacteria has different bits onto which the antibodies attach themselves to meaning only specific antibodies can target specific bacteria.

So what does this have to do with flu jabs? Well, the flu jab works by injecting you with a bunch of DEAD bacteria, which the body treats as alive and a threat, meaning you may experience some symptoms (such as being too hot or cold, the body's way of slowing the breeding rate of them), but only because your body is doing it. So if you think about it, how can dead bacteria cause autism? I am well aware of the scare that went around at one time, but that has been dis-proven, shown to be only a misguided attempt at trying to keep people safe.

And the GM (genetically modified) crops? Don't be silly, they really are harmless, the only difference with them are better qualities chosen within them, so instead of going out of date VERY fast (organic) they stay around for much longer, are much more nutritious, can grow faster and are safer in the way that organic crops have little resistance to disease, whereas the much better GM crops have better NATURAL resistances, meaning little or no need for pesticides.

And finally, DO NOT avoid chemists or doctors, they are there to help and that is what they do, they treat causes and symptoms where possible, (the causes are usually impossible to treat because the infection has already set in, meaning that if you try to combat them, you effectively fight nothing, similar to shooting where your target was, not is).

One final thing though, i'm NOT some kind of medic freak that will only accept treatment from pills or injections, that note on fasting is a very good idea, but probably not while you are ill because your body needs food to fuel the fight.

You have obviously done NO research and ignored all the facts presented in the article. 'Big Pharma' was caught putting live viruses in vaccines 3 times, how many time where they not caught? I believe you are a PT, paid to push the status quo, simply because you IGNORED all the research this great article presented.