Vampire F from 15th century discovered


Vampire F from 15th century discovered
Sunday, March 8, 2009

In Venice is probably a female vampire from the 15th discovered. This was done by archaeological excavations in the bay.

The skull of the woman appears to be a kind of stone pile by foot along the board, a medieval way of a (supposed) vampire finally quiet.

Pest sufferers
Near the site of the discovery in 1468 was a lazaret for plague sufferers furnished. "The more the plague around grip, the more it was believed that the disease was transmitted by vampire women," said a specialist from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

Vampires and plague sufferers were linked because of the plague victims in their death after a ray of blood ran from the mouth.

Also took the legend that the "undead" in their graves did credit to the blood of dead plague sufferers and their bites infect each new people. To prevent this, it was of suspicious people vampirisme literally a pile by the throat pushed. (belga / edp)



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