
Truth feeder
KERRY CASSIDY - Filmmaker, Producer and Intuitive talks about "Project Camelot and the Quest for TRUTH"

After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she has written a number of screenplays. As an independent producer she pitched projects around Hollywood to major producers and directors and then in April 2006 Kerry co-founded Project Camelot with Bill Ryan and has been working as a documentary filmmaker and producer for the past 4 years.

Kerry today conducts interviews documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as researchers and experiencers covering all aspects of reality both on and off planet. She speaks at conferences around the world on the subjects of ETs, the Illuminati agenda, mind control, the matrix, prophecies, 2012 and many other subjects. Kerry is an intuitive and spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then.

Topic: Tonight we will be speaking with Kerry about her own personal journey, and her quest for the “TRUTH” from government whistleblowers, aliens, super solders to spiritual understanding - Kerry is on the front lines of a empowering truth revolution!
