
  1. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] A Few Words On “Psychic” – We Don’t All Agree, We Don’t All See or Interpret The Same Things – Lady of Light (November 2012)

    I would like to make a note about this information. I had this written and was ready to be shared back in November, hence why it is dated for November. For reasons beyond my control it didn't get posted until now. There is a section that is clearly outdated now, but I will not remove it as this...
  2. K

    Things to remember that make life easier

    Everything is true. Be with everything. Breathe deeply. Clarity and peace are understanding and awareness. Listen to the voice. The heart opens to the center. Meditate consciously. Consume only when and what you must. Love bravely and generously. These are only some of the things I’ve been...
  3. Unhypnotize

    Thousands of Books in Disappeared

    Hundreds, if not thousands of books in spirituality, spiritual science, psychics, meditations, ETs… have been removed from the web address - There were couple of directories used to store those books; as I remember, one was called “Ancient Mysteries” or smilar; the...
  4. Denise

    The Benefits of Meditation and Brain Changes

    A new study has found that participating in an 8-week meditation training program can have measurable effects on how the brain functions even when someone is not actively meditating. Published research has demonstrated that the practice of regular meditation can...
  5. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Free Yourself, Free Your Mind – Acknowledge What Is Happening To You & Learn To Move On - Lady of Light - November 14, 2012

    Lady of Light November 14th 2012 Acknowledgement: One must acknowledge all that is happening. This is true of everything in one’s life. All situations must be faced in order to gain closure and move on. All pain (physical and emotional) must be acknowledged before it can be...
  6. Dax214

    Always An ET Boy

    This post is dedicated to anyone who has experienced anything similar and who has been afraid to talk about their experiences. It is never easy to talk about such a controversial topic and in many cases you will be told you're crazy or it's all in your mind. Tonight I talk about some of my...
  7. Unhypnotize

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours?

    My Favourite Book List, and Yours? I have a list of my favourite books to share; it is growing. It covers areas like spiritual science, hypnosis, astral projection, parapsychology, channelling, spirituality, ETs, meditation, remote viewing, education psychology, micro-expression, self-help...
  8. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Subjective Illusion of Reality - Lady of Light - September 12, 2012

    Lady of Light September 12 2012 It has been said time and time again by many people including myself; “Don’t’ believe anything you hear from anyone else but from yourself”. All of my channeled information comes to me through “meditative trance”. As the information streams...
  9. Lady of Light

    [Rant] Lady of Light's Journal of Rants: A Collection of Thoughts and Feelings That Should Not Be Ignored

    August 18th 2012 Feeling Lost or Out of Place It’s understandable to feel lost or out of place from time to time especially when on the path to enlightenment. I’m beginning to believe this is because of the fact that there was always something before, so now that there is nothing, there is a...
  10. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] A Random Assortment of Important Messages (25 Messages) – Lady of Light – July 31, 2012

    Lady of Light July 31, 2012 I have been gathering random channeled bits of information for the past 6 months. These pieces of information, at this time, cannot be elaborated on as no further information is coming in on any of these subjects. So this leads me to present the...
  11. Lady of Light

    How To Release Your Psychic Potential - Lady of Light - July 21 2012

    Lady of Light July 21, 2012 Releasing Your Inner Psychic: Being psychic, simply put, is being completely in tune with everything around you. Since there are many different aspects to psychic abilities, I will break them down individually as best I can. There will be abilities...
  12. Unhypnotize

    Meditation Techniques to Connect to Your Higher Self and other Benevolent ETs

    I have recent read Brad Johnson’s book “The Earth/Lyra Connection: Teachings from Our Interstellar Ancestors”. It is a brilliant book I like it very much. I rate it 5 out of 5. The book can be found at: » Lyra/Earth Connection E-book In the book, Brad talked about how he...
  13. Noah

    [Info!] Meditation for spiritual growth and development

    Hi all! I am Noah and my life has been (and still is!) a search, a seeking. I am sure this resonates with many reading this post and surely with anyone even provisionally interested in meditation. I have been a student of Theology/Religion my whole life since my disillusionment with the...
  14. s_coy2005

    Meditation Tecniques

    I would like to know any meditation techniques.. would love to try something new.. My meditation consists of like 5 to 10 minuites of me clearing my mind then mmeditative visualization.. visualizing me being in a garden or visualizing the answers to my problems or things like that.. i wouldnt...
  15. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light - May 23

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other...
  16. Lady of Light

    Death, Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out-Of-Body And Near-Death: How To Remain In Complete Control Wherever You Find Yourself - Lady Of Light May 23 20

    Lady of Light May 23, 2012 I had 2 separate channels that had come through on the subject of Death and Dreaming. I cannot tie them in together easily, as they touch on slightly different aspects of these subjects, so I’ve decided to give both accounts, one after the other, in...
  17. Lady of Light

    The Importance Of Meditation: What Is It For? Why Do We Need It? - Lady of Light - March 18th 2012

    Lady of Light March 18th 2012 Meditation To meditate is not the answer alone. “Meditation” is blocking out everything that is going on around you to access a higher plane to be at more peace. To reach a more enlightened state, one needs to do more than just meditate and be...
  18. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] The Importance Of Meditation: What Is It For? Why Do We Need It? - Lady of Light - March 18th 2012

    Lady of Light March 18th 2012 Meditation To meditate is not the answer alone. “Meditation” is blocking out everything that is going on around you to access a higher plane to be at more peace. To reach a more enlightened state, one needs to do more than just meditate and be...
  19. Denise

    2012 Meditation - Manifesting 5D ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ron Head

    Everything you wish for is attainable, dear people of the Light. Of course you know this already, through your understanding of the universal laws. But in this timing, in the time of ascension, there is a great urgency to manifest your desired outcome more efficiently. And so we assist you...
  20. Denise

    Robbert van den Broeke, alien or Entities appearances on video

    The thing that you observe occurring on this video footage is a individual known as Robert Van Den Brook, that is a medium and supposedly has communication with ETs, recording on his own during meditation, but once this footage is played in reverse it reveals imagery of entities emerging. Robert...