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United Nations is holding the 10-year commemoration (Durban III) of a global UN conference on combating racism (Durban I, 2001) in its headquarters in New York on September 22, 2011. Over a dozen western governments have announced to boycott the conference because Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad’s anti-Israel remarks in the past. The Israel hasbara brigade has called Durban III, the ”Qaddafi Associates” meeting!!

Obama’s Acting Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Macmanus has confirmed that the US voted against the United Nations resolution establishing the 2011 event because the so- called Durban process “included ugly displays of intolerance and anti-Semitism and we did not want to see that commemorated”.

Interestingly, the current President of UN General Assembly is Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nassir, pro-US Qatar’s ambassador at United Nations – while one of the 21 Vice-presidents is Mohammad Khazaei, Islamic Republic of Iran’s ambassador at United Nations. According to Israel’s IT hasbara horde – these two diplomats are behind this anti-Israel event.

America’s ambassador at the UN, Israel-Firster Dr. Susan Rice has her own problem at the UN Security Council. She is not happy with the three rotating members, India, South Africa and Brazil. Though all of them have diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity – they did not vote for regime changes in Libya and Syria. Therefore, Rice blames them for human rights abuses. Funny Rice calls other countries HR abusers while representing a country which tops the 193 UN members when it comes to human rights abuses.

Interestingly, the Durban I conference in South Africa in 2001 – not only recognized the right of foreign Jews to occupy an Arab land but even wrongly called it ‘Jewish state’! An American Zionist Jew, Jack Bernstein, who lived there – has called Israel a “racist Marxist” state.

The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) identified discrimination of all political stripes, including against ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, women, refugees, migrants, Africans and Afro-Americans. However, what pissed-off the Zionist regime was the “plight of its native people“.

“We recognize the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self- determination and to the establishment of an independent State, and we recognize the right to security for all States in the region, including Israel, and call upon all States to support the peace process and bring it to an early conclusion,” it said.

A review conference, Durban II, held in Geneva in 2009 “reaffirmed” the Durban I Declaration. The conference was addressed by Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad which sparked protest when he mentioned the rights of the Palestinian people. Several racist anti-Muslim Western diplomats walked out of the conference during Ahmadinejad’s speech. Watch a video below.

Several Western states, including Canada, Germany, the United States, Italy, France, Australia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Britain, New Zealand and Austria have announced they will not attend the Durban III event on September 22, 2011. Still, an overwhelming majority of the United Nations’ member states – along with dozens of human rights activists and NGOs – will actively participate in the meeting.

Durban III, Ahmadinejad and the Lobby | Rehmat's World