
  1. Boiling Frog

    Did the Vatican Create Islam as a Psy-Ops?

    Is it possible that the Vatican create Islam as a psy-ops?
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    Deepa Kumar: Islamophobia for Dummies

    Recently, I found two good books on the Judeo-Christian political agenda behind the vicious anti-Islam, anti-Muslim (Islamophobia) propaganda. Both books are written by non-Muslims. One is ‘The Islamophobia Industry, authored by Nathan Lean - and the other ‘Islamophobia and the Politics of...
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    Eric Walberg: ‘Islam is Road to Peace’

    Canadian-born anti-imperialist Jewish journalist, author and blogger, Eric Walberg, is scheduled to launch his new book, ‘From Postmodernism to Postsecularism: Re-emerging Islamic Civilization‘, at Toronto’s Beit Zatoun House on September 26, 2013. Walberg has developed good knowledge of the...
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    Australia: Islam, Jesus and the Lobby

    Last month, Australia’s One Nation Party candidate for the coming parliament-election, Stephanie Banister, proved once again how the country’s European settlers have been duped by Australian mainstream media, 70% of which is owned by the discredited Jewish billionaire Rupert Murdoch. Ms...
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    Christian minority persecuted in Pakistan?

    Yesterday, I wrote a post debunking Jewish editor Dr. Elliot Jager’s lies claiming Christianity is good for the Jews. On August 10, 2013, the Salem News published an article authored by an Islamophobe Pakistani Christian journalist, Shamim Masih, who claims that the Christian minority in...
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    FoxNews: Muslims don't understand Chritianity

    On Friday, renowned religious scholar and author, Reza Aslan Ph.D was interviewed by FoxNews’s religious expert, Lauren Green. She could not believe that Aslan being a Muslim, has the necessary credentials to author a book on Christianity, ‘Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth’. Watch...
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    Frithjof Schuon: ‘Understanding Islam’

    Swiss philosopher-author Frithjof Schuon’s book ‘Understanding Islam, was published in French in 1961 and translated to English in 1963. Schuon is recognized as an authority on philosophy, spirituality and religion, an exponent of the Religio Perennis, and one of the chief representatives of the...
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    Anti-Christ: The search continues…

    Rixon Stewart does it again! On July 18, he posted an article entitled ‘Understanding the Anti-Christ in which he uses Soviet Union, China, Communism, Capitalism, Bible, Catholic and Protestant Church, Shia-Sunni Islam, etc. to prove God know what – but nothing about the arrival of the...
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    Imam Khomeini: Remembered after 24 years

    Yesterday, hundreds of millions of Muslims and non-Muslims in Iran and around the world marked the 24th death anniversary of the greatest political and religious Islamic personality of the last century, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, Imam Ruhollah Muavi Khomeini (May 17, 1900-June 4, 1989)...
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    Jewish Professor: Zionism behind Muslims’ Jewish hatred

    Professor Mark R. Cohen (Princeton University) is an ordained rabbi from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. However, he claims he never lead a congregation at Synagogue. He is author of 1994 book, ‘Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages’. Mark penned an article...
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    Sarmila Bose exposes Bangladesh-Indian lies

    On March 3, 2013, Dr. Sarmila Bose PhD appeared on the pro-Israel BBC World Service Newshour program to discuss the protests and violence in Bangladesh as result of pro-Indian Sheikh Hasina Wajed government’s sentencing of Jamaat-e-Islami leader Delwar Hossain Sayedee to death for allegedly...
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    Malcolm X’s grandson murdered in Mexico city

    Malcolm Latif Shabazz 29, grandson of world renowned Afro-American Muslim human rights activist, Malcolm X (Al-Hajj Malik el Shahbaz) died in a Mexico city hospital as result of racial beating on Thursday. Mexico’s attorney general’s office said a murder investigation was under way. Malcolm...
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    John Kerry: ‘No military solution in Syria’

    US secretary of state, Israel-Firster John Kerry held talks with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Russin president Vladmir Putin in Moscow on May 7, 2013. John Kerry agreed with his Russian counterpart that political dialogue between Syrian government and the Western-supported rebels...
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    British physicist under ‘Israeli knife’

    World renowned British physicist, professor Stephen Hawking 71, is being chased by Israeli racist squad for boycotting Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, a major Zionist annual Hasbara (propaganda) event to be chaired by Zionist president Shimon Peres, a war criminal. Hawking informed Peres...
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    Mayor: ‘No more mosque in Moscow’

    In March 2013, Moscow’s Islamophobe Mayor Sergey Semyonovich Sobyanin PhD (born 1958) said in an interview with Moscow’s Echo radio that he has no plan to allow two million Moscovite Muslims to build new mosque. He also added that ‘excessive’ number of economic migrants (from former 5 Muslim...
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    Malaysia: ‘No regime change for US-Israel’

    Malaysia’s ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) lead by United Malays National Organization (UMNO) has won 133 seats in the country’s 222-member parliament, with a loss of 7 seats. It’s UMNO’s 13th consective victory since the country’s independence in 1957. The opposition coalition, Pakatan...
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    Israel attacks Syria to suck US in war

    Both the US and Israeli media have confirmed that Israeli airforce conducted its second unprovoked air raid on Damascus during last 24 hours. CNN, CBS, NBC, NYT, CBC and Israeli Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronot – all reported the news with different angles. According to Syrian and Lebanese sources...
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    Canada slapped for being Israel’s colony

    Last month, Canada’s anti-Iran foreign minister John Baird took another unilateral step: he crossed the “red line” and met with Zionist justice minister Tzipi Livni in her office located in the Jewish occupied East Jerusalem. His meeting proved once again the Stephen Harper government in Ottawa...
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    Somalia: Victim of Western genocide

    The Muslim-majority Somalia has suffered from worst famine during 2010-2012 since the last 25 years. Despite early warning, the US and its allies continued their policy of sanctions and “war dog barking” against Somalia to punish its people for supporting anti-US and anti-Israel al-Shabaab...
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    Syrian chemical weapons: Israeli false flag operation

    On Thursday, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell during an interview with Current TV’s Cenk Uygur, claimed that the rumor that Syrian forces had used chemical weapons against western-sponsored rebels, could be a “Israeli false flag operation”...