Lobby: JEWBAGS slur for fun; is Okey!


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As long as the caller is a Jewish person, whose family contributes to buy American politicians for Israel.

The discredited German Nobel Laureate Guenter Grass could not have dared to us the term ‘Jewbag’ for Israel.

Some GOP Israel-Firsters have called Democrats “KKK” for Danielle (Dani) Gilbert’s Facebook picture with her friends holding dollar bills and referring to themselves as “Jewbags” and the “Jew cash money team”. Dani is Democratic Party’s newly appointed National Committee Jewish outreach liaison member. Her former boss, Jewish Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) has defended Dani calling the group picture with the Jew-hating caption at the bottom JEWBAGS - “a childish prank”.

Dani Gilbert’s parents, Mark and Nancy Gilbert are powerful sources of funding for the Democratic party. The have raised more than $500,000 for Barack Obama’s campaign and Obama considers them friends.

According to a latest poll, Obama is still popular among the Jewish voters. More than 62 percent said they will vote for Obama because he is best for American Jews and Israel.

“Dani has excelled in her role handling Jewish issues for the Chair in her Congressional office and was brought on here part time to do outreach to the Jewish Community,” said DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse. “Like many in the age of social media, she had things posted on her Facebook page that she now regrets and which she has apologized for. Her employment both in the Chair’s Congressional office and at the DNC is a testament to her knowledge and professionalism and nothing more – and no smear driven by the right wing noise machine is going to impact her status as a trusted member of this team.”

Rep. Wasserman Schultz has thus far refused to fire or discipline Dani Gilbert.

Israeli-born writer, author and musician, Gilad Atzmon once wrote that Israelis realized long ago that it’s cheaper to buy entire US political sustem than buying a military tank. Israel’s lobbyist, Abraham Foxman, national director ADL called Gilad Atzmon “the notorious, crusading anti-Semite” on March 26, 2012 in one of his usual rants.

Lobby: JEWBAGS slur for fun; is Okey! | Rehmat\'s World