Khamenie praises Ahmadinejad administration


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On Sunday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie, in a meeting with the outgoing President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet in Tehran, lauded their performance during the last eight years.

The Leader criticized measures to underestimate the efforts of the government, saying the Iranian nation must be notified of the administration’s services.

“Some even deny the administration’s concrete actions, but what matter is that efforts and attempts be expressed and recorded in country’s public scene,” said the Leader.

Earlier, on July 4, Ahmadinejad in a live interview with IRIB Channel 1, listed some of his administration’s achievements during his two-term (2005-2013) presidency.

Ahmadinejad said that his administration took charge of the country when it was surrounded by US occupation forces (Iraq and Afghanistan), economic sanctions over nuclear program, US-Israel regional hegemony and military threats against Iran. Despite all this, he argued that Iranian nation made significant progress in science, military, education, economic, export and foreign relations.

There is no doubt that Ahmadinejad made many new allies among African and South American nations. Iran’s achievement in scientific field were 11-times higher than western nations in 2010 and 2011. In productivity, Iranian economy has reached 17th place in world ranking – from 22nd place before Ahmadinejad took power.

On August 3, Ahmadinejad will hand-over keys to his office to the President-elect Hassan Rouhani, a Shia cleric, who is considered “moderate” by Washington and western capitals. However, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is very paranoid of the “moderation” of Rouhani. On July 14, in a telephone interview with CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’, Netanyahu said Iran’s new president, Hassan Rohani, has criticized his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for being “a wolf in wolf’s clothing.” Rohani’s strategy, though, he said is to “be a wolf in sheep’s clothing – smile and build a bomb.”

On July 16, Amos Harel, in Israeli daily Haaretz accused Netanyahu for using Iran’s nuclear threat to distract Israeli meddling in Syrian bloodshed. “When it turned out, as predicted, that many in the West saw Hassan Rouhani’s election as Iran’s president as license to stop worrying about the Iranian nuclear threat, Netanyahu reiterated his warnings, But there are greater obstacles than ever on Netanyahu’s route to any potential attack,” says Harel.

In order to sooth Netanyahu’s paranoid nerves, Obama administration has informed Tel Aviv that Washington will judge Rouhani by his actions and not by his words. This reminds me US vice-president Joe Biden’s humiliation at the hands of Netanyahu government earlier this year – and American politician Patrick J. Buchanan calling America being a poodle of Israel.

Khamenie praises Ahmadinejad administration | Rehmat's World