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    N. Korea to Netanyahu: “Israel is a Cancer”

    Yesterday, diplomats at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) watch the disgusting replay of the drama from Book of Esther. Benjamin Netanyahu played the part of Haman, the former Jewish prime minister of Persia. He called for the new Holocaust of Iranian people. Over 2,000 years ago, Haman committed...
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    Netanyahu: ‘I will tell the truth about Iran’

    On Sunday, Netanyahu left Israel for his second homeland (United States) to address the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on October 1. In his farewell speech, Netanyahu told his subjects that he intends to “tell the truth to counter Rouhani’s charm” – to Barack Obama and the world at...
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    Obama, Rouhani and ‘the Evildoer’

    The 2013 UN General Assembly (UNGA) annual meeting at its New York headquarters have brought together the warmongers, the truth-tellers and peacemakers from around the world. Most people watching this annual ‘stage show’ are going to miss the two of the greatest ‘truth-tellers’, Iranian...
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    9/11 and Netanyahu

    On September 3, 2013, Anders Persson, PhD and Maysam Behravesh, PhD, in an Op-Ed, said: “For Netanyahu, Iran Is Personal“. It’s Netanyahu who was quoted saying on September 11, 2001 that the terrorist attacks on America would benefit Israel. In April 2008, Israeli daily Haaretz reported...
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    Bibi: ‘Why Democrats don’t trust me on Rouhani?’

    On August 12, 2013, Israeli Hasbara dude, Ron Kampeas whined at Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) website that despite Israeli prime minister Netanyahu several warnings, many senior pro-Israel Democratic leaders don’t believe in Netanyahu’s anti-Rouhani rhetoric. “In increasingly strident tones...
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    Kerry’s Israel-PA peace talks kabuki

    American secretary of state, John Kerry, announced on Friday that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the president of Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, whose tenure as elected president of PA had expired in January 2009, have agreed to return to peace talks in the coming week...
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    Khamenie praises Ahmadinejad administration

    On Sunday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenie, in a meeting with the outgoing President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet in Tehran, lauded their performance during the last eight years. The Leader criticized measures to underestimate the efforts of the government, saying the...
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    Netanyahu’s Iran dream is over

    Safi Rachlevsky in an article published in Israeli daily Ha’aretz (July 10, 2013) said: “Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s life mission – attacking Iran to save Israel has become impossible. It’s over“. “Above all, we must keep looking at Netanyahu, who says he divides his time 70...
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    Hamas: ‘Talks with Zionist regime futile’

    Israel-Firster John Kerry is in Israel on a three-day shuttle diplomacy to restart the so-called “peace talks” between the radical Jew Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist double agent Mahmoud Abbas, whose mandate as “PA President” expired in January 2009. Under US-Israel advice, Abbas has refused...
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    Netanyahu: ‘Iran to build 200 nukes’

    Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the US president Barack Obama, are twin brothers, when it comes to speaking lofty words on peace while conducting open and covert wars in Iran, Syria and Palestine. Irish MP Clare Daly, has called Barack Obama, “a hyporite” and a “war criminal” of...
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    Netanyahu takes Iran to Auschwitz

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Auschwitz Holocaust Museum in Poland on June 13, 2013. Netanyahu spent most of time convincing Jewish visitors and Polish officials at the site that Iran with the help of its Shia allies, is planning a new Jewish etnic-cleansing – the 3rd...
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    Netanyahu: Criticism of Israel is ‘antisemitism’

    On May 28, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was the keynote speaker at the 4th Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, sponsored by Israel’s Foreign Affairs ministry, Jerusalem. During his long speech Netanyahu applied the usual “antisemitic” label on everyone, Jews, Christians and...
  13. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, May 5, 2013

    05/06/2013 Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130506: Netanyahu summoned to China, cabal purge begins in UK One of the world’s leading terrorists, the Satan worshipping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his...