
The Heart connection a love affair with Yourself

Friday, April 10, 2009
You are the most important person in your life. How many people will agree? No, this is not selfish it's just yourself in the first place. The group says that the difference between those two is that if you're selfish, you first move in the energy and all the others it cuts off. Someone who on the first turn, put themselves first in the energy but more to give to other people. How can we deal with others when we are not complete in ourselves? Most of us put the needs of others always in ourselves. It is now time for a love affair with yourself. It is now time to unconditionally appreciate who you are. Be complete in yourself and enjoy your own company. You are your own best friend. Treat yourself first in everything you do. You deserve it. Let the indulgence begin!

Start with a mirror to look you full length mirrors. How often are we to view ourselves with criticism? Remember that our thoughts create our reality. If we see our reflection and quickly fail over, are we not fair to our beautiful body. In my 54 years I see my body changing slim as a mannequin to be heavy. Recently I joined the community complains about being overweight. Since I stop now in the knowledge that I present the perfect I am. Tomorrow I may decide on another part of myself by taking exercise and diet to go. Sometimes when I am critical of myself, I remember it myself to be grateful for my perfect body when I look at someone in any way handicapped. I admire people who are against it over a physical problem that they have decided in this life experience. I will never forget that years ago I once complained to my wonderful mother that I had a bad hair due. She looked me full understanding and reminded me that they had lost all her hair and wore a wig because of chemotherapy she had to fight cancer. At that moment I realized how foolish I behaved on my appearance. Many years ago I learned massage therapist although I never have done professionally. Light Worker with my life took a different turn. As with everything we experienced in life, my massage training taught me a valuable lesson. And that went on far into your judgments. I began to understand that the body is beautiful in whatever form it has. It was a lesson in understanding people for who they are and not what their body represents.

In most of our seminars, we start with the song "The Arms of the Angels" (The arms of the angels). At the end we say to the people themselves first a large, loving hug and then to others in the room to cuddle. What a wonderful way to start the day. Rate the person you are when your morning in the mirror and give yourself a hug. If you think what you see in your mirror, is not pleasant, bless yourself and decide that tomorrow your life in some way, but keep yourself today as you are. Keep busy with positive thoughts and cherish all your soul with all the love of yourself that you deserve. Look at the real you and give you compliments for something in your life where you feel good about it.

Steve and the Group have had a unique beauty. That we all possess. Although we share unity consciousness, our own unique individual, that is the beauty that we both internally and to external power. True beauty comes from spiritual faith. Let your light shine to know who you really are and then everyone around you your bright light experienced.

You can create your own best friend by yourself as a special treat. If you think about having some money, buy a gift for yourself, something you do smile when you remember. This could be a new sweater or a nice dinner with friends. Let something you know you deserve. Know that you are worth just as well be treated as you would treat someone you admire.

Time is the greatest gift. We are all so busy with our agendas. The greatest gift we can give ourselves time. Whether we now use ourselves to nature to be a good book to read, in a fragrant bath are or what makes you happy, take time for yourself alone. As you rise up and everything what is on your path, and at that moment you will feel connected with who you are. Not so long ago I treated myself. I flew alone to San Diego to visit family and friends. Steve enjoyed his time at home alone. I rented a red convertible and drove loudly singing along the beach. I think my busy life with our trips for Light Worker wonderful, but this weekend caused me to a whole new way of life came. Another way I treat myself when I come back from a trip. I take a whole day for myself and I'm all alone. I so enjoy being together with all those great spiritual family that I met on our travels but I put myself in balance with my time alone. In this way brings me back to myself to see how it really goes with me so I can continue with the next step of my life. If I care for my needs, I feel relaxed to our next seminar to travel.

Salute your unique beauty by pay tribute to the relationship you have with yourself. When you have love for yourself, you open up your heart and love to others and to your turn, which they have received. That is the energy circle of love. You do not need to change yourself. You are perfect as you are. This does not mean that we are not able to find new ways to give ourselves fully manifest. We can learn and grow and be everything that we intended. It is wonderful to want to improve and better to you, but first accept who you are today. Accepting ourselves and others as we are not there, gives us the opportunity to give us as much as possible to manifest. This prevents us to conviction. Before we can change what we find ourselves uncomfortable, we should see ourselves as already perfect. This is called unconditional love.

We are our own worst critic. If I see myself in the archives of our live broadcasts as soon as I criticize what I looked like or what I said and how I sounded. Those are the times when I have to laugh about what I'm doing. If I discover something that I feel uncomfortable, I do not hate myself but I just have a conversation with myself to agree with myself how I can change them in any way better. I make a point of order against myself to recognize something good when I think of myself on video. I strive constantly to improve myself, but I love who I am today. I do my own private sessions. To do that I accept myself with all the appreciation for who I am. I can compare myself to anybody because I am not. My first session was a real test for me. We presented a seminar on the east coast. The day before the seminar gave Steve and I both in private sessions. My first session was with a woman who had decided to have a session with Steve and then with me. My fears came to the top. I thought: what I have to offer after Steve and the Group have all given what they need? I then went deep inside my heart and I said to myself that I myself gifts for her yet. It was a magical session for both of us. At the end of this beautiful woman told me that Steve and I both its different views of truth were given. Steve was one side of her life and I had been a part touched. This was a huge step in my spiritual confidence.

Look again in the mirror and see the true beauty of who you are. Look deep in your own eyes, beyond your physical being, to all in your soul. Give yourself a big hug and tell yourself that you hold. Keep yourself unconditionally as you are today.

In love and light, :)


Source: Monthly reports: Translated version of http://users.telenet.be/freesoaring_eagle/thegroupcyclesNL.htm
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