
  1. T

    See in the palm of the hand

    A study confirms that the human skin, especially the hand palm, contain many kinds of germs which differs between men and women ... A study confirms that the human skin, especially the hand palm, contain many kinds of germs which differs between men and women. We might realize why Allah, the...
  2. Denise

    Honey, I killed the superbug

    AUSTRALIAN researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses -- a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine. Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities, new research has shown the honey kills every type of bacteria scientists...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Maqui Berry: The Newest Superfruit

    By Chris Kilham Published January 27, 2011 By this point, we have been liberally inundated with tales of super fruits, specifically super berries. Today, practically everyone knows that blueberries, blackberries, black currants, acai, raspberries and elderberries are very good for health...

    Household Cleaning Products May Increase Breast Cancer Risk

    Household Cleaning Products May Increase Breast Cancer Risk New research suggests that switching to nontoxic cleaners may be a very smart, healthy move Despite the pink KFC buckets, fund-raising walks, and early-detection campaigns surrounding the issue, doctors and scientists still have...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Detox with Zeolite

    Medical Zeolite-based oxygen concentrator systems are widely used to produce medical-grade oxygen. The zeolite is used as a molecular sieve to create purified oxygen from air using its ability to trap impurities, in a process involving the adsorption of nitrogen, leaving highly purified oxygen...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Why pharmaceuticals might be called Weapons of Mass Prescription

    Mike Adams Natural News March 1, 2010 Most people are familiar with traditional weapons of mass destruction such biological weapons, nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. The point of all such weapons of mass destruction is to inflict a large number of casualties on civilian populations as a...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Are mandatory vaccinations acts of violence against children?

    Mike Adams Natural News Sunday, February 21, 2010 (NaturalNews) This article refers to the parody cartoon found at (…). This parody cartoon grew out of the idea that vaccines are “shots” that are being increasingly forced upon children and teens. At times...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Revolutionary: SPRAY-ON LIQUID GLASS

    Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize almost everything 03-02-2010 Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also...
  9. M

    Fear of germs, visitation restrictions, etc

    Germs: Why do we as an society, today fear germs more then as societies in the past were? Saw this thread on hand washing on another forum that I belong to awhile back and wanted to post the questions and my answers to this. What an interesting thread. 1. How often do you wash your hands...
  10. Unhypnotized

    The idea that consciousness can have a direct effect on a living organism

    Taken from STEPHAN A. SCHWARTZ, Editor - Therapeutic Intent. The idea that consciousness can have a direct effect on a living organism is an ancient and culturally universal belief. The shamanic cave art of Altimira, Tres Freres...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Avoid Swine Flu with Onions!

    Forwarded from a friend... In 1919, when the flu killed 40 million people, there was this doctor that visited many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it, and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer, and to his...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Autism Explodes As Childhood Vaccines Increase

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, October 5, 2009 Cases of autism amongst children have doubled since 2003 according to a government survey out today, highlighting once again the direct link between vaccines containing mercury and the brain disorder, as millions more parents...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Autism Explodes As Childhood Vaccines Increase

    Amount of children suffering from brain disorder doubles since last government survey in 2003 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, October 5, 2009 Cases of autism amongst children have doubled since 2003 according to a government survey out today, highlighting once again the direct...
  14. R

    We live in fear because we risk error estimates

    We live in fear because we risk error estimates Tuesday, July 28, 2009 Do you also sometimes feel that they mainly deal with your fear to live. You are not alone, and the British psychologist Daniel Freeman wrote a book about 'Paranoia: the 32st Century Fear'. "We let fear get the upper...
  15. CASPER


    Abrasions home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers Cleaning an Abrasion Treating an abrasion Cleaning the wound and keeping it infection-free is very important. The common norm to treat an abrasion is to clean the wound using mild soap and water and further with the help of an...