
We live in fear because we risk error estimates

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do you also sometimes feel that they mainly deal with your fear to live.
You are not alone, and the British psychologist Daniel Freeman wrote a book about 'Paranoia: the 32st Century Fear'. "We let fear get the upper hand. No wonder when you realize that the very poor people can think logically and certainly risk estimating wrongly."

The result? We live in fear of things that have little chance to match our personal fears of(abduction, pedophile, terrorist attacks) and have no fear of things that much more likely to have a car accident, obease children and threatned to die of a heart attack .

Good example
Mexican flu is no better example: alarm reports and dissemination of all estimated deaths in the beginning, and there are no reassuring messages even though the spread is not is as fast as thought and the flu is certainly less lethal than expected. Several newspapers pointed out already that this is a boost for the pharmaceutical industry, especially for producers of Tamilfu, mouth masks and antibacterial handgel.

A miracle
For example, only about terrorist threats and lethal viruses and alarms to dangerous meat. Panic, alarm, warning: it seems the only words that we play and make merry ourselves with the Government. In addition to the real concerns of many people (threat of unemployment, poverty, criminials, poison in our food and global warming), it is a miracle that we even dare to stand up with the drive and eat an apple.

"We are completely lost a sense of perspective. People have 200 times more likely to die from cancer than murder, but murder will get twice as much media attention. Idem for terrorist attacks. The real problem is the culture of fear occurrence and the fears that people are talking. "

The more, the worse it gets
Because people do not think logically, they do not think the real chance that something happens. "They are strongly influenced by how often they hear media responces and they have emotional impacts on them," explains Freeman from. The more they hear about a murders, the more they live in fear.
Mothers get more worried about pedophiles than young women in ther twenties without children.

Influencial beings
"Objective facts do not matter. We are influenced, mixing equipment, mistrusted creatures led by how things look, how they really are. That makes us vulnerable: we believe the wrong things, we have irrational fears unfounded. In other words, we are paranoid. "

Pleasure from life
Sociologist Frank Furedi points to an important nevenffect: "All that fear just sucks the fun out of our already short life. Everything is dangerous: something to eat, lie in the sun, someone a hand, take the subway. This is onleefbaar! "

All this happens in a world where we personally have never been so safe. Hygiene, nutrition and health care are all gone. But the theoretical risks have increased. Because we now have more to lose, we have more fear. We have completely forgotten that we all can control our lives and that we must accept some things.

"Fear has become our constant companion, it's always there. But it is far as there are people who worry if they do not have to worry.
If your love life!" thus still goes on:

Death anxiety
In fearful societies, social cohesion is lower, people mistrust each other and they die faster. It showed a U.S. study in 8000 persons. As confidence increased, then decreased the mortality rate by almost the same.

Of course this does not mean that there are no risks and dangers in this society, but it is up to you estimate risk precisely. The risk to get the Mexican flu is low,example is quite high, but the chances of you dying is very low.

Ultimately it is a choice: a life that is led by fear and terrible things could happen where you live or the risks to value wealth and you do not pass block. (edp)

Source: hln.be
