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    Lord Ahmed suspended for blaming Jewish Lobby

    British opposition Labour Party has suspended its Muslim peer, Pakistani-born Lord Nazir Ahmed on the charges that he named Jewish group for conspiring behind the imprisonment he received in 2007 over a fatal motorway crash. Lord Nazir Ahmed, in a recent interview with a Pakistan TV channel...
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    Dutch PM: ‘Israel should be in Germany’

    On November 8, 2012, Dutch daily Telegraaf quoted former Dutch prime minister Dries Van Agt as saying that Jews should have been given a safe homeland in Germany instead of Palestine – as Palestinians had nothing to do with the Nazi Holocaust – which was committed by the Frankist Jews, according...
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    UK Ambassador: ‘Israel is being isolated’

    British ambassaor to Israel, Zionist Jew Matthew Gould, in a recent interview for Israeli Channel 10 News, warned the Zionist regime that the country is losing international support due to settlement expansion in the West Bank and continued blockade of the Gaza Strip. Matthew Gould, who had...
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    South Africa boycotts ‘Made in Israel’ goods

    Last week, South Africa joined the growing list of world nations in boycotting Israeli goods produced inside illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The West Bank along with Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem was occupied by Jewish army in 1967 with the help of military aid provided by the...
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    International Israeli Apartheid Week 2012

    The 8th annual International Israeli Apartheid Week 2012 is scheduled to be held in over 40 cities around the world between February-March 2012. As part of the coming event, Boycott, Disvestment and Sanctions (BDS) has launched a new video, entitled ‘Israeli Apartheid Week: Call it as it is’...
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    Bonn: ‘How thee define anti-Semitism’

    The so-called label of anti-Semitism has become a joke in the West which is totally under the control of Zionism. The latest example is Germany’s ‘modified communist’ political party Die-Linke. In the past the party has been a voice against Angela Markel’s knee-jerk support for the Zionist...
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    US: ‘Boycott Israeli goods and pay fine’

    On November 4, 2002 – Commerce Under Secretary for Industry and Security Kenneth I. Juster, had issued a directive, saying: “The U.S. Government is strongly opposed to restrictive trade practices or boycotts targeted at Israel. The Commerce Department is closely monitoring efforts that appear to...
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    Dershowitz: ‘Jews are not welcomed in Norway’

    Norway is well-known for its anti-Muslim bigotry. Last month, PST (Norwegian Security Service) chief Janne Kristiansen named a new anti-Islamic organization, the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) as threat to country’s internal security. The Israeli ‘Gladiator’, Professor Alan Dershowitz (Harvard...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Political activist group organizing boycott of Super Bowl

    WAOW TV Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 A national conservative political activist group is urging people not to watch the Super Bowl this year, and instead read a book about politics or history. Mark Dice, spokesman for The Resistance, calls football the “opiate of the masses” and says Americans’...
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    Richard Clarke: Detroit Patsy Incident What We Need to ?Get Over? Privacy Fears

    Kurt Nimmo January 5, 2009 Obama will meet with his national security team today at the White House to work on new intrusive security proposals. “The president was set to announce changes to the government’s terrorist watch lists, advisers said, as well as outlining new...
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    Gandhi and The Dalai Lama Are Not Opposed to Guns

    George Washington Blog Sunday, January 3, 2010 I was raised to be against guns. My parents hated guns, and believed that they only lead to crime and to accidental shootings. Sure, I knew that the Constitution includes a right to bear arms, but I believed that it was no longer relevant and...
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    Cease fire Israely style

    The Peoples Voice @ 02/02/09 01:02:04 am Dear Visitors, A problem with the paragraphing on the site has suddenly occurred. Rest assured that we will determine what this problem has been caused by and repair it as soon as possible. editor ----------...