
  1. 100th Monkey

    Piers Morgan Crushed by Dana Loesch & Scottie Hughes on Gun Control Debate!

  2. Truth Vibrations

    Alex Jones to Debate Piers Morgan 1/7/2012 on CNN

    Should be interesting!
  3. Truth Vibrations

    The GMO debate is over; GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity.

    Just wanted to share this with everyone on UHF: (NaturalNews) The GMO debate is over. There is no longer any legitimate, scientific defense of growing GM crops for human consumption. The only people still clinging to the outmoded myth that “GMOs are safe” are scientific mercenaries with...
  4. White Rabbit

    How to properly conduct a healthy and fruitful debate

    Here is something very useful for anyone in this forum. It´s a simple pyramid graphic showing how to properly conduct a healthy and fruitful debate: original essay:
  5. Denise

    New Developments on the Obama Birth Certificate Debate

    Interesting News Source:
  6. R

    Chemtrails debate 12-20-09 - devils advocate coast to coast

    Chemtrails debate 12-20-09 - devils advocate coast to coast Awesome debate which showcases the arguments pro and con. If you are a doubter of chemtrails, this broadcast is for you Source: youtube