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  • You're very welcome! I'm trying to spread the word to everyone who will listen. Not only have rumas and I been taking it, but we bought supplies to make some for others as well. We've been taking mms since the beginning of July, and I have never felt better. I have also noticed a drastic improvement in my son.
    I've never heard of oil of oregano as a healer, but I find cod liver oil works great to fight off colds.
    That sounds great to me thanks i just noticed its still in vip mode was in mod mode last nite thankyou.......ricklbert
    I set you as a Mod on PBP. Thank you for all the help. Face33 requested my to ask you. hope you don't mind.

    Sorry. Been working way too much. That darn day job has got me worn right out. That's why I have Rumas. I'll be around though. :)
    The Sun Has Spots, Finally....The Sun is Acting Strangely Again
    Yeah, nothing happened yet? lol we will see!
    one more thing on July 1 I will be going on Vacation until july 13th I would appreciate if you can keep Pete's up to date with any new Info and or telefonica fixes for amazonas , hubs , Iks files. thanks
    yeah rick now that FTA is going to be slow and was taking care of 6 other sites finally decided to come and help out at this site...thanks for the welcome...
    hey ricklbert, hows it going my friend ?

    yea everything is ok with me...just chillin and trying to relax a little. been working alot wich doesn't leave me much motivation to post things but hopefully i can soon.

    keep up the great job your doing....talk to you soon :)
    Hey do a google search for these words:

    First no quotes: free suppressed dvd
    Second with quotes: "free suppressed dvd"

    or click here: no quotes and here: quotes

    That should get us a reactions.... :)

    Hey ricklbert!
    I'm really glad you guys are going to be spreading these videos. If I had a problem with it, Rumas would have let you know. He runs everything by me before doing anything. I think what you have been doing here is great! The videos are only going to make things better.
    Keep up the good work!!!!! Get the word out!
    Thank you!!!!!!
    The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse: Media recycles photos and storylines from previous years Watts Up With That?

    did you see this? recycling stories and photos of global dewarming
    I send him his password? I could have also changed it for him....oh well no big deal.

    I added a forum for us...called:
    Free Suppressed DVD Videos

    Now we need a nice informative thread.

    Ok I will remove him....I sent him his password? I could have changed it for his as well...

    I added a forum for the dvds called: free-suppresse-dvd-videos/

    Now we need a nice informative thread.
    yeh i realized it after i posted it i figured you would remove it thanks man..so i am ready when ever you are i have a few clips End game obama deception loose change 2nd edition for the fact we are not charging this will protect us as far as i am concerned. talk to ya later....ricklbert
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