al gore

  1. N

    [Rant] David Siegel rants and attempts to scare his employees into voting for Romney Now I've heard it all.

    The CEO Who Built Himself America’s Largest House Just Threatened to Fire His Employees if Obama’s Elected Hamilton Nolan David Siegel is the founder and CEO of Westgate Resorts, a huge national timeshare company and one of the largest resort developers in the world. In 2007 he was a...
  2. R

    Jews: ‘Jesus is a monkey’

    On Monday, Christian worshippers, once again, found another proof of Jewish hatred toward Jesus, Mary and Christians. They found anti-Christ slogan “Jesus is a monkey” written at the Catholic monastery at Latrun and the front door set on fire. The Israel police has blamed the extremist Jewish...
  3. R

    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...

    Current TV to air global warming talk by Al Gore

    NEW YORK (AP) — Current TV plans to air a presentation on climate change by former vice president Al Gore. The live broadcast of Gore's multimedia talk begins Thursday at 7 p.m. Eastern time. The cable network said Monday it will culminate a worldwide, 24-hour initiative called "24 Hours of...
  5. Denise

    Al Gore Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

    I bet anyone out there that right after Al Gore said we should stop eating meat to stop global warming; he went home and had a New York Strip Steak for dinner. This same person tells us we should stop using so much electricity in our homes while his big mansions use many Kilowatts to power a...
  6. Denise

    Al Gore 'LOSES IT' as he still tries to Defend the Global Warming LIE..!

    Al Gore feels the heat, and has a meltdown “Goddamn”. “BullSh#t”. Al Gore is losing his cool as he loses the argument. Speaking at the Aspen Institute, Vice President Al Gore explains how corporate interests have manipulated scientific institutions and the news media to defend everything...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Gore Announces New Campaign and Worldwide Event to Re-energize Global Warming Hysteria

    Noel Sheppard Newsbusters July 13, 2011 Nobel laureate Al Gore must be noticing the public’s continued lack of concern for his money making myth about carbon dioxide destroying the planet. On Tuesday, he*announced a new campaign and worldwide event to re-energize global warming hysteria: Today...
  8. Unhypnotized

    20 Really Bad Ideas That Are Almost Too Stupid To Believe

    The American Dream July 9, 2011 What in the world is happening to America?* It seems like all we get out of politicians at the federal, state and local levels is a steady stream of really bad ideas.* Even when our government officials appear to have the best of intentions things still turn out...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore

    The American Dream July 5, 2011 In the United States today, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to openly trash the U.S. Constitution.* Many among the elite are not even trying to hide how much they hate the U.S. Constitution anymore.* As the Patriot movement and the Tea Party movement call...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Al Gore branches out into population control theory

    Watts Up With That? June 22, 2011 Not content to make a fool of himself confusing weather and climate, Al has now decided to lecture empower women on how to reduce the population for the benefit of the planet. Watch the video below, now we know why he doesn’t allow recordings of his lectures...
  11. Unhypnotized

    PETER SCHIFF: The US Should Abolish Corporate And Personal Income Taxes

    Peter Gorenstein, Yahoo! Finance March 29, 2011 Facing a $1.6 trillion budget deficit, even Congress knows the size of the government debt is unsustainable. However, both parties lack the political to will to act. Republicans talk about cutting government spending, though the record shows they...
  12. Denise

    Matthew Message - March 12, 2011 (Japanese Earthquake mentioned)

    The material posted below is sourced from here. This is channelled information in the channel subforum. You have read the big disclaimer above - if not, please do. All of the channeled information that I post is done so in the sincere...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Interactive Eugenics Entertainment by an Advocate of Genocide of You, the ‘Useless Eaters’

    By Neil Foster The Sovereign Independent March 4, 2011 I remember being in a bar in Dublin a few years ago and sitting at a table unfortunate enough to have a picture of George Bernard Shaw on the wall. I asked the manager if he knew anything about Shaw to which he replied, being a proud...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Roman Polanski’s 'Rosemary’s Baby' and the Dark Side of Hollywood

    Source : Another excellent article written by Vigilant Citizen. Roman Polanski’s “Rosemary’s Baby” and the Dark Side of Hollywood The 1968 movie “Rosemary’s Baby” is one of Roman Polanski’s most chilling and acclaimed productions...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Pole Shift Threatens To Cause Weather Chaos

    Will paying billions of dollars in carbon taxes to Al Gore and his cronies solve the problem? Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, February 7, 2011 According to some experts, the world’s weather is about to get even more chaotic as a result of natural climate change that we can do...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Ban Ki-moon gives up fight against climate change

    the reference frame Jan 28, 2011 In November 2009, the ClimateGate erupted and many of us were convinced that the establishment of climate fear would quickly collapse. I was imagining that it would be as fast as the Velvet Revolution that began exactly 20 years earlier. So many climate...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    Papers: '87 kidnapping suspect frustrated over miscarriages -- A woman suspected of snatching an infant from a New York hospital in 1987 told investigators she was frustrated with her inability to give birth, according to court papers filed Monday. Ann "Annugetta"...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore Questions Man-Made Global Warming, Calls it ‘Obviously a Natural Phenomenon’

    Marc*Morano Climate Depot Jan 21, 2011 Excerpt From The Blaze: Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of the environmental organization Greenpeace, isn’t too hot about global warming. Appearing on Fox Business Network with Stuart Varney on Thursday, he said global warming is a “natural phenomenon,”...
  19. Unhypnotized

    IPCC Professor Calls For “Elite Warrior Leadership” To Rule Over Eco-Dictatorship

    Prominent United Nations scientists says new green religion should replace traditional faiths as part of shift towards authoritarian tyranny Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, January 7, 2011 An influential professor who worked as an assessor for the United Nations IPCC has called...
  20. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History January 6

    6th day of 2011 - 359 remaining Thursday, January 6, 2011 SILENT COWBOY DAY Yippee-i-o-ki-ay! On this day in 1880, America’s greatest silent-film cowboy star, Tom Mix, was born! How did the former Texas Ranger and rodeo star become a movie star? Easy -- at least for Tom Mix. He just walked on...