alan greenspan

  1. Denise

    Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits ~ DOVE Report Extract

    OVERVIEW of the BENEFITS of NESARA Overview of NESARA Economic, Financial, and Legal Benefits March 12, 2004 Hello Dear Friends and White Knights, Today I revised the following overview of NESARA's economic, financial, and legal benefits to reflect the most recent information I have on these...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Its Not the “Great Recession”. Its the Great BANK ROBBERY

    Washington’s Blog Nov 11, 2010* In case its not crystal clear, this isn’t the “Great Recession”. Its really the Great Bank Robbery. First, there was the threat of martial law if the $700 Billion Tarp bailout wasn’t passed. Specifically, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson warned Congress...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Documentary Featured on Fox Blames Baby Boomers for Depression

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Wednesday, July 7, 2010 Fox News has run the documentary “Generation Zero” since February. The film, produced by Citizens United Productions, has a central premise — the economic depression now unfolding is the fault of the Baby Boomers. Is Alan Greenspan a...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Gingrich Calls Banker Puppet Obama “Most Radical President in American History”

    Kurt Nimmo April 11, 2010 The neocon former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has told the gathered at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans that Obama is the “most radical president in American history” and has “thrown down the gauntlet to the American people.” According...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Greenspan: 100 • Geithner: 40 • Dimon: 7 • Johnson: Economic Crises Happen Every 5 Ye

    Washington’s Blog March 31, 2010 Greenspan says that the financial crisis was caused by a once-in-100-year event. Tim Geithner says its more like once every 40 years. Jamie Dimon implies every 5-7 years. But Simon Johnson says its really once every 5 years: Visit for breaking...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Alan Greenspan Discusses The Fed’s Inability To See Bubbles, Is Confident There Is A

    Tyler Durden Zero Hedge March 28, 2010 The maestro managed to run away from the old folks’ bent on monetary destruction home just long enough to carry this amusing interview with Bloomberg TV’s Al Hunt. Tomes (will) have been written about Greenspan’s dementia, just as books will be available...
  7. Unhypnotized

    More Fed minutes document gold market manipulation

    Adrian Douglas GATA March 15, 2010 The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meets eight times per year to discuss and set interest rate policy. The minutes of these meetings are not released for five years. This ensures that few people will ever read them. Furthermore, the...
  8. Unhypnotized

    The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain

    Porter Stansberry Silverbearcafe Thursday, February 4th, 2010 It’s one of those numbers that’s so unbelievable you have to actually think about it for a while… Within the next 12 months, the U.S. Treasury will have to refinance $2 trillion in short-term debt. And that’s not counting any...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Rothschilds Implicated in Fake Gold Bar Scandal

    Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox Jan 11, 2010 Pakistan Daily It’s one thing to counterfeit a twenty or hundred dollar bill. The amount of financial damage is usually limited to a specific region and only affects dozens of people and thousands of dollars. Secret Service agents...
  10. Unhypnotized

    200 Bank Failures Expected in 2010

    Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. Money and Markets January 18, 2010 Washington has so thoroughly botched its supervision of the banking industry that 200 banks are likely to fail this year — easily surpassing last year’s 140 bank failures … inevitably involving the greatest bank losses in history … and...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Where have the real Gold bars gone??

    Jan. 13, 2010 It’s one thing to counterfeit a twenty or hundred dollar bill. The amount of financial damage is usually limited to a specific region and only affects dozens of people and thousands of dollars. Secret Service agents quickly notify the banks on how to recognize these phony bills...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Wall Street Poltergeist: The return of Robert Rubin

    Mike Whitney January 7, 2010 There’s no denying that the economy is getting better, but will it last? Many economists don’t think so, including experts at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, like Paul Krugman and Martin Feldstein. They think the economy will begin to fizzle sometime...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Council on Foreign Relations members

    A list of the CFR members: http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion...FRMembers.html CFR Annotated Membership Roster: A - Z *** Elected to Membership in 2005-2006 ††† Elected to five-year term membership in 2006 † Term Members Total Number of Members = 4267 A Aaron, David L. -...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence

    Kevin Ryan 911 Blogger December 12, 2009 Careful investigation leads one to notice that a number of intriguing groups of people and organizations converged on the events of September 11th, 2001. An example is the group of men who were members of Cornell University’s Quill & Dagger society...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Deriva

    George Washington Blog Tuesday, December 8, 2009 As I have previously shown, speculative derivatives (especially credit default swaps or “CDS”) are a primary cause of the economic crisis. They were largely responsible for bringing down Bear Stearns, AIG (and see this), WaMu and other...
  16. Unhypnotized

    "Wake Up America!"

    This article appears on the Russia Today website: _____________________________________________ Wake Up, America! Stephen Byers, Sr Whitefield, NH USA © 2009 Northwdsnh - All Rights Reserved * 24.11.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru URL: To...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Wake Up, America!

    Stephen Byers, Sr Pravda December 4, 2009 To my Fellow Americans, “I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within” – General Douglas MacArthur. What exactly did General...
  18. Unhypnotized

    The Economic Crisis and What Must be Done

    Richard C. Cook November 28, 2009 The United States does not control its own destiny. Rather it is controlled by an international financial elite, of which the American branch works out of big New York banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, Wall Street investment firms such as Goldman Sachs, and the...
  19. R

    Open letter to all MSM (Main Stream Media) Journalists

    Open letter to all MSM (Main Stream Media) Journalists Monday, November 23, 2009 This letter is a translated version of a letter, on the 11th of October 2009 was sent to journalists working for media in Sweden and has since been widely distributed to a very rapidly growing in Sweden...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Jesuit-Ruled CFR

    Jesuit-Ruled CFR The Chairwoman of the CFR is Carla A. Hills, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club) and as Trade Representative under George H.W Bush (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree...