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    How South Africans became ‘antisemites’?

    Because, some leaders of the ruling ANC government are voicing their criticism of Israel, says James Kirchick, at Jewish daily Forward, December 12, 2012. James Kirchick is a fellow with the ‘Foundation for the Defence of Democracies’, an Israeli advocacy group funded by Jew billionaires like...
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    Three Wise Jews: Obama to attack Iran in 2014

    On December 6, three wise Jews, who served as foreign policy advisers to the White House, met at a dinner party arranged in their honor in a New York hotel by the Washington-based Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), a spin-off the powerful Jewish Israel Lobby (AIPAC). The three...
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    Israel’s enemy: Netanyahu or Hamas?

    Since last week, lot of exiting news are coming from the occupied Palestine. On Saturday, former Zionist prime minister Ehud Olmert said that Netanyahu’s government was taking Israel into unprecedented isolation with its policy on Jewish settlements. “Bibi Netanyahu, is isolating Israel from...
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    Israel: Those 174 ‘antisemite’ nations at UN

    The Zionist regime has rebuffed the latest United Nations call to join the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and behave like a civilized member of world body by opening its nuclear facilities (five) to international nuclear watchdog (IAEA) inspection as Iran and other more than 45 world...
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    Turkish anti-Resistance propaganda for Israel

    Forget Israeli propaganda that Turkish Muslims support Hamas because they too hate Jews. Just watch ‘Building Bridges’ – an interfaith dialogue show on Turkish television A9TV. Two of its hosts, Ece Koc and Gulsah Gucyetmez Resimler, tell their audience that Palestinian military resistance...
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    Antisemitism vs Anti-Semitism

    What’s the difference between ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’? The Berlin-born Jewish professor Shmuel Almog (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), has claimed that the term with hyphen and without it has different meanings. The term ‘Antisemitism’ was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was...
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    The ‘Gaza Doctor’ and the Jewish hasbra spin!

    Jane Eisner, editor-in-chief of America’s oldest Jewish daily Forward, posted an Israeli hasbra (propaganda) piece on November 20, 2012, The ‘Gaza Doctor’ Speaks in Anguish‘. Her choice of the title, shows she wanted to prove to her readers that Izzeldine, while on phone, was not talking...
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    Israel’s Gaza attack shows West’s true nature

    The leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah on Thursday condemned the western leaders for their support for the latest genocide of 1.5 million Gazans by the Jewish army. “The bloodshed in Gaza shows the true face of the United states and the West,” he said in a televised...
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    Netanyahu: ‘Obama victory is good for Israel’

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lauded Barack Obama re-election by claiming that under Obama administration Israel-US ties had been stronger than ever – reported Israeli daily Ha’aretz on November 7, 2012. Both Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak and Israeli ambassador in...
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    Israeli ‘PR’ war games on Iran

    On November 5, BBC-Channel 4′s Dispatches aired Israeli PR documentary speculating that an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will not only kill the country’s nuclear program but Iran would be defeated and demoralized with a very little damage to Israeli airforce or the public. Channel...
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    US: ‘Regime change in Syria has failed’

    On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Croatia, admitted American failure to bring anti-Iran regime change in Syria by dismissing the leaders of the western-funded rebel groups as a “bunch of out-of-touch exiles who should be replaced with a group more representative of the fighters on...
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    Romney: ‘Chavez and Castro support Obama’

    Don’t you love the ‘Ads War’ carried out by the Israel’s American lovers these days? You will see anti-Muslim, anti-Obama, anti-Iran and anti-OWS ads with one common message; “To be a patriotic American, you must love Israel and hate Muslims”. Most of these ads happen to represent religious...
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    Countering anti-Muslim pro-Israeli Ads

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) along with the Jewish Voice for Peace, United Methodist Women’s Division (UMW) and over 100 other anti-hate groups have lined up to fight back Pamela Geller’s anti-Muslim pro-Israel ads campaign on the DC Metro system. This is in response to...
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    France rejects Bibi’s push for attack on Iran

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Paris as part of his campaign to gather western support for his dream of a regime change in Tehran. Netanyahu, as expected from a professional liar, told Paris Match magazine on Tuesday that An Israeli attack supported by the US and UN will be good...
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    Winnipeg’s Jew-hating anti-corruption poster!

    This month, a modified version of September’s anti-corruption poster reappeared in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. This time the name of the 13 people (mostly Jewish millionaires) were crossed out. The last month poster bearing the headline ‘$hitler’s List’ had claimed that Winnipeg’s Jewish...
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    Pope Knighted the ‘most Jewish Catholic’ paedophile

    Last week, the head of Catholic Church in Britain requested the Vatican’s permission to remove posthmously Papal Knighthood awarded to the Zionist-controlled BBC television presenter, Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile (1926-2011), by Pope John Paul II in 1990 for charity work. It’s reported that...
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    Irish TV host: ‘Israel is a cancer in foreign affairs’

    Former newspaper editor Vincent Browne, the host of Ireland’s top television political talkshow, ‘Tonight with Vincent Browne’, on TV3 has called Israel “a cancer in foreign affairs”. After the remark, Vincent said that his criticism of Israel doesn’t mean he hates the Jewish people. “Israel is...
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    Iran: A history lesson from a Jewish bigot

    “Imam Khomeini made a distinction between Jews and Zionists and he suppoerted and protected the Jews,” Unees Hammami, leader of 25,000-strong Iranian Jewish community. On October 26, 2012 – the Asia Time published a “guest article” by Aaron Hesse, entitled ‘The real problem with Iran is...
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    Israeli jets bomb Khartoum arms factory

    Today, Sudan’s Minister of Information Ahmed Bilal Osman told a news conference that four Israeli jets have attacked the Yarmouk plant, a light arms manufacturing factory in Sudanese capital city of Khartoum. Khartoum governor Abdul-Rahman Khedr said the explosions at the factory have not...
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    Jill Stein: ‘Obama-Romney are Israel’s slaves’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it,”Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Kol Yisrael radio, October 3, 2001. I know it’s very anti-Semitic of me to repeat an eleven-year-old statement...