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On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton, during a visit to Croatia, admitted American failure to bring anti-Iran regime change in Syria by dismissing the leaders of the western-funded rebel groups as a “bunch of out-of-touch exiles who should be replaced with a group more representative of the fighters on the ground.

Syrian rebel umbrella, the Turkey-based Syrian National Council (SNC) is headed by Abdelbaset Sieda Ph.D, a Syrian-Kurd academic and pro-West politician. The SNC is being funded and armed by the US, Israel, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and other western and Sunni Arab countries and Salafi sectarian militants with a view to bring in another pro-West regime change in Damascus.

Like in Libya, Washington is not going to sacrify its soldiers in Syria as it did in Afghanistan and Iraq to topple Taliban and Saddam Hussein regimes. Thanks to the powerful Jewish Lobby, Washington has been interfering in Syria since the creation of the Zionist entity in 1948. In March 1949, Washington toppled democratically elected president Shukri al-Quwatly and installed CIA man Colonel Husni al-Zaim. Husni in return, legitimized the Zionist entity by signing an armistice with it and allowed Arabian-American Oil Company to pipe Saudi oil through Syria to the Mediterranean coast. Between 1949 and 1955, America staged five military coups in Syria to complete the de-democratization process in the country.

In July 2012, Gabriel M. Scheinmann, a visiting Fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Israeli government’s propaganda arm – had admitted that the Zionist entity is in fact the winner of the so-called “Arab Spring”.

“The so-called “Arab Spring” has, paradoxically, made Israel stronger as Israel’s enemies have turned on each other. While Arab capitals burn, Jerusalem has calmly and carefully steeled itself against the possible immediate deleterious effects, building fences along its Egyptian and Jordanian borders and accelerating the deployment of its Iron Dome anti-missile system,” wrote Scheinmann. He then added: “Even as it rightly plans for the changes wrought by the “Arab Spring”, Israel should also recognize that as the Middle East convulses, it is more likely to be left alone. As Alawites battle Arab Sunnis and Kurds in Syria, as Kurds target Turks in Turkey, as the Imazighen fight Arabs in Libya, as the Army contends with Islamists in Egypt, and as Sunnis and Christians confront Shiites in Lebanon, people don’t have the time, energy, or resources to fight the Jews in Israel. The more the region tears itself apart, the more Israel floats to the top, unscathed economically, militarily, or diplomatically. While an Islamist ascent is undesirable, the intervening disorder only makes Israel stronger,” said Scheinmann.

In August, Ed Husain, senior fellow at the Zionist advocacy organization, ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ wrote that Washington is quite happy with pro-West Al-Qaeda joining ranks with the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) due to its superior experience as result of fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya in collaboration with US and NATO.

In September 2012, French foreign minister Laurent Fabius (born to Jewish parent, but converted to Catholism) claimed that Assad has chemical weapons which he may use against the rebels or pass them on to Hizballah to be used against Israel.

A regime change in Damascus is very important for the anti-Islam ‘Axis of Evil’ as it’s the weakest link within the ‘Axis of Resistance (Iran-Hizballah-Syria)’. The destruction of Syrian army will open another route for the US-Israel to attack Iran. R.D. Bradshaw has exposed the evildoers behind the West’s ‘War of Terror’ against Muslim countries at the Analysis-News. Read here.

US: ‘Regime change in Syria has failed’ | Rehmat's World