
  1. Denise

    Consumer food production companies GMO Black List

    Here is a list of consumer food production companies that are know to use GMO's! Avoid them if you can, and keep your family safe!
  2. 100th Monkey

    Micheal Jackson's mind blowing last phone call and hip hop conspiracy

  3. Truth Vibrations

    NSA's fake phone call - Al-Qaeda 'conference call' sparked global terror threat

    NSA agent 1: "Quick, quick, we need a fake threat that will get American behind us again!" NSA agent 2: "Let's leak a fake conference phone call we intercepted of al-Qaeda leaders planning an attract." NSA agent 1: "Isn't it too soon after the Snowden disaster?" NSA agent 2: "No, as long as...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Max Bliss Contacted by Chemtrail Whistle Blower

    Published on Aug 4, 2013 Part 1: Part 2:
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Dolphins 'call each other by name'

    They are way more intelligent the we think! Read more:
  6. 2

    [Update!] Friends doctor

    Well, today is the final day my friend is going to deal with that nasty doctor, she's still so depressed I had to badger her into eating something again. I tried to call and leave the dr a "nice" little message as to what I thought of her her mailbox was full, and that if something happens to...
  7. 2

    [Update!] Update on Update Re: Doctor

    Well, in what seems to be the umpteenth call to the pharmacy (I've lost track exactly how many, probably about a little over a half a dozen, and again in what seems to be almost the umpteenth call to the Dr's office who still insists they sent the one time renewal out there, but given their...
  8. 2

    [Update!] My friends conniving dr. and her immediate health

    Well first of all if i've said anything to offend I do try not to do that anybody out there please accept my apologies, as I feel like I've may have lost some rapport out there. Maybe I'm just upset over the situation here. I'm trying to see how this happened again for a reason. So far no...
  9. 2

    last 3 days

    Been kind of busy the last 3 days, my friend received a call from the place where she gets her supper from and she was up for reassessment from the social worker there. Needless to say it sent me into a slight tizzy for "neatening things". We're really not that messy its just that we;re so...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    I called Monsanto - You won't believe what I heard!

    Oct 2, 2012
  11. R

    Gilad Atzmon: The ‘Jewish Messiah’

    Shahram Vahdany, managing editor MWC News, called Gilad Atzmon ‘King of Jews’ – I call him the ‘Jewish Messiah’. Gilad Atzmon: The ‘Jewish Messiah’ | Rehmat's World
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Mainstream news reports are covering global mass UFOs

    Hey go to around 8:14 minutes into this video footage and you will see a phone call come thru from a gentleman saying he wasn employed in area 51.
  13. Unhypnotized

    New White Hat Insider Info - Benjamin Fulford's subscription site conference cal - regarding current situation and 911 plus more

    A link to a fantastic conference call with a white-hat insider has just been posted on the comments section of Benjamin Fulford's subscription site. Subjects such as: what is going on with China, 911 how the Nazi's took over the US. I download it to your computer it may not be their...
  14. Unhypnotized

    ?Find me some obviously sick children?: What PM Tony Blair told aides on hospital vis

    UK Daily Mail Sunday, January 17th, 2010 Downing Street officials were ordered to round up ‘obviously sick children’ for a photo call on a hospital visit by Tony Blair during the 2001 General Election. Labour Party general secretary Peter Watt tells how he prepared for the visit to the Queen...
  15. Unhypnotized

    Are you one of the people who heard the call?

    Are you one of the people who heard the call?
  16. CASPER

    Putting the Bird Back in the Sky

    Here I am— of two minds: all eyes—all ears—for an echo. Driving into the sunset, who is not gold and mining? Who is not a piece of one, son-like in that way? I call you mine and I am yours. The tree lover becomes a...
  17. FACE33

    Politics Explained

    Politics Explained -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom...
  18. FACE33

    Surrey Snowman

    Surrey Snowman - They Call Him SnowDeep